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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. It's the Fred Armisen Weekend Update character come to life. This one.
  2. If they don't have a mortgage, they are going to have to pay rent. One way or another, they will have to pay a huge portion of their income for lodging.
  3. I agree that the value society places on the entertainment industry is absurd, and I also recognize that it's a lot easier to tax the money people are already making than to change society's perception of the value of somebody reading lines on a movie screen. I'm sure they'll get to it right after they work out how they're going to pay their mortgage/rent/utilities/insurance/car payment/bus fare/etc. I guess you'll be voting for him, then.
  4. I agree, it's pretty lame. Especially for the kids.
  5. One in which kids with hardworking parents don't go to school hungry while a guy who plays a game for a living nets more than $10M a year? Uh oh, Mr. Wilson.
  6. Perhaps she is saying our society is flawed in that regard. It's not an entirely unreasonable proposition.
  7. I suspect that you will never make an argument of any kind for or against anything.
  8. I read this a couple months ago, but I don't know where it is now.
  9. I've heard the same rumor before, based on the fact that he moved to the US when he was fifteen, and kids who are fully immersed in a second language before adulthood rarely have much of an accent. I don't buy it, but I've heard it said.
  10. I also voted by mail, and had to include a photocopy of my driver's license to request my absentee ballot.
  11. A. Lot. Two words. Allot means to apportion or parcel out.
  12. You're missing that some people like (and dislike) different music than you do.
  13. Yes, Henry Kissinger says that we need to "bring about a different consciousness of what the world order is," as the world naturally progresses to a more global model. I see nothing nefarious there.
  14. Why must I recognize that there is something to it? That some politicians have mentioned a "new world order" a few times over the last dozen years does not mean that there is some vast conspiracy. That particular combination of words does not have to mean something nefarious. There has been a new world order since the end of the Cold War, and I suppose we're moving towards one now, with Russia reasserting itself; doesn't mean some shadowy cabal of world leaders and bankers is driving the world in that direction.
  15. The beast of the East is being manhandled at home by the fucking Rams.
  16. According to the TBS announcer (Ron Darling?) Cliff Floyd broke both bones in his left hand when he reached into the basepath and collided with Todd Hunley. It would really suck to break one bone in your hand, but BOTH? Man, that's just gotta be demoralizing.
  17. Has anyone asked why, if there's this big conspiracy to subjugate all the world's peoples, and all these world leaders and corporations are in on it and getting ready to spring it on us all, why do they continue to bring it up? Why prepare us for something they know we don't want if they're just going to do it anyway?
  18. Garth Hudson, seriously? His soprano sax solo at the end of "It Makes No Difference" in The Last Waltz is fucking sublime. It's hard to pick a worst member of The Band. They are all so good, and I couldn't imagine the group without any one of them.
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