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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. This is what is known as evangelical atheism. The pathological need to make others believe what you believe and to pass off your belief as fact. And, incidentally, to demean and browbeat those who disagree with you. Preach on, brother. It is "beyond rationality" to me to accept on faith that the universe has always been and will always be, that it was not somehow created by someone or something.
  2. The most criticalest thinking in the world cannot explain the origins of the universe, at least at this time.
  3. Dogg, definitions evolve over time. Evangelism need not connote Christian fervor.
  4. There are six definitions listed. Number five is not a conditional definition, only applying if the others do as well. Since you're on a quest for truth, you can start by admitting that evangelism doesn't mean the same thing to you as it does to everyone else.
  5. I'm not going to present a history of the word "evangelical". I'll just post a link to its definition. See # 5: marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause. If you can't understand what I mean when I speak of an evangelical atheist, you either are not competent to have this discussion or are being deliberately obtuse. In any event, I am comfortable saying that I have met and spoken with evangelical atheists, safe in the knowledge that I am right. The evangelical atheists of whom I have personal knowledge self-identified, and if there is definition-bending occurring here, it's their
  6. Well, that's one thing about which I disagree with Stephen Hawking. It's an interesting question to me, and I'm disappointed he has dismissed it as not worth asking. Based on your second paragraph, I humbly submit that, you are putting your own spin onto the term, and claiming I can't make blanket statements about atheists (which I am not) by making one yourself. I know for a fact that there are evangelical atheists because I have met them. Empiricism at its finest. They are not theoretical, they aren't imaginary. They just are. Whether or not they have a guru is irrelevant. If they proselyt
  7. I know when I'm in the sanctuary having my quality time, some extra fiber has a major effect on softness.
  8. But if he is an atheist, does he not contend that there is no creator? Re: humility, I humbly suggest that evangelical atheists (despite what you may say, they absolutely exist) are the very definition of arrogance. They have no better answer to the big question than anyone.
  9. So you're saying Neil deGrasse Tyson can tell me where all the matter and energy in the universe came from?
  10. In the context of my quote above, I am not suggesting that someone/something had to create the universe, although that is my belief. I cannot conceive of it being otherwise.
  11. I do not believe that science will ever be able to explain the origin of the universe. We can get back to the Big Bang (in theory), but where do we go from there? There can be a neverending series of discoveries on how the matter in the universe got to be in its current state, but I don't believe we will ever understand the origin of the matter in the universe. Each answer opens a new question, and I don't see a possible end to that cycle. There cannot be, unless the matter/energy/whatever was, at one time, created from nothing.
  12. Ok. You think Christianity is false. I know. Everybody on the board knows. The "undiscovered" Amazon tribe in Brazil got the press release. Explain to me how our universe blinked into being, since science says matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
  13. You are describing a small subset of Christians.
  14. The oceanographer does not deny the existence of the sky. The paleontologist does not deny the existence of living animals. If an atheist were to be able to explain the existence of the universe, I would renounce my belief in a higher power.
  15. Brian Henneman played guitar on A.M. Jay Bennett wasn't in Uncle Tupelo, either.
  16. That was a great little not-quite-a-touchdown dance, though, huh?
  17. Someone still needs to write the middle.
  18. ...so the hurricane says, "Well, I don't know about that guy, but I've got my EYE on you both!" hahahahahaha ha.
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