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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. What does that have to do with anything?
  2. He's using some industrial strength Just For Men™.
  3. Why would Bush want to keep a country that's half blowed up?
  4. There are millions of soldiers and sailors stationed within the US borders at all times. edit: that should probably be "hundreds of thousands".
  5. I have been listening to the Band in the car a lot this week. Danko's bass line on "Chest Fever" is something else.
  6. It is a fact that the Yankees are a better team than the Dodgers?
  7. Minimum legal speeds by state Legal doesn't mean the same thing as safe. When you can reasonably expect the majority of cars to be driving in excess of 65 mph, 45 is not a safe speed, whether it is legal or not.
  8. Driving too slow (i.e., 10 mph, or in this case possibly even 20 mph under the posted speed limit) puts other cars in just as much danger as driving too fast. 45 is not an acceptable speed on an interstate highway.
  9. It was simply a means to an end; i.e., to bring up religion.
  10. It's so fucking awesome how you can take any topic and make it about religion.
  11. What, Jesus is no longer the reason for the season?
  12. The Vice President's family does not live in the White House.
  13. I think she's saying "I've got sand in my booty!"
  14. I call both of you condescending and mean-spirited, based on the content of your posts, which are both condescending and mean-spirited. I don't believe I have called either of you a douchebag or a prick, although I am not 100% certain of that. I don't know exactly what one has to do with the other. If you are acting condescending, is that excused because someone called you a name?
  15. I'm afraid I don't see it the same way, and you're still preaching. I absolutely agree that it is possible that science will develop a satisfactory answer for my question, but the existence of the universe is enough for me to believe that it was created, until it can be demonstrated otherwise. I understand that this is not enough for you, and that's fine. I'm sure you could possibly be more condescending, but you'd probably have to try pretty hard. I have looked at my choice critically, and, thinking for myself, I am comfortable with my belief. Every time you mention the word "humble" with
  16. I don't say that atheists have to have an answer for the creation of the universe (and you're welcome to address me directly, by the way). I do say that someone will have to satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe and the (natural) provenance of all the matter and energy therein before I will renounce my belief in some higher power.
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