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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Bobbob is not a Republican, as far as I know. And he's right - Michael Moore is a distorting, disingenuous blowhard.
  2. The convention was scheduled a long time ago. The MLK deal is a stretch also.
  3. I would imagine it has something to do with the administration's handling of the Katrina disaster. It's a bit of a stretch.
  4. You think? edit: bobbob, what do you think about the Republicans scheduling Bush's speech during hurricane season?
  5. My family lives in North Carolina. That looks like the catering table from one of our yearly reunions.
  6. So if John McCain, who is seven years older than Joe Biden, were to die, he would leave us with a 40-something former governor of the least populous state in the nation? And why, exactly, would some 30-something year old kid be Speaker of the House? Newt Gingrich is the youngest Speaker I can think of, and he was 52 when he assumed the role.
  7. Front row, right of center is fried okra. Back row, far right looks like tots.
  8. caliber66

    I fear

    I'm surprised you're surprised other people want to hear something like what they already know they like.
  9. That will be necessary whether or not he intends to start future wars.
  10. Uh. Wouldn't a rise in gas prices make the gap in mpg/value WIDEN?
  11. Can Jen buy her Prius at her public library, too?
  12. Better yet, lock them both in a room with Jim Everett.
  13. I listened to that album in the car yesterday.
  14. Yeah, that occurred to me, but it certainly seems plausible.
  15. The simpler solution to that problem is to stop using maple bats.
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