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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. He is named after his maternal grandfather. "Shia" apparently means "gift from God" in Hebrew. edit: this is from wikipedia, so cum grano salis.
  2. I voted for the middle one, but disc golf is fun.
  3. My parents spent three(?) years in Fairbanks, AK. They saw the aurora a bunch of times. I was an infant when we left, so I doubt I did.
  4. Seriously? He got in trouble, at 21, for being drunk in a Walgreens, and now he has a DUI. Now, that's definitely a serious thing, and he needs to take care of it, but "loser"? Come on.
  5. That stuff is nasty. Their Mocha Porter, on the other hand, is pretty decent.
  6. Seems to me someone has an underdeveloped appreciation of reading comprehension.
  7. Billy Bragg has lots of fans here. But the Mermaid Avenue albums were the result of a Billy Bragg project that happened to include Wilco. They are not Wilco albums, and consequently should not be included in this listing.
  8. The author/editors don't know what the Russian legislature is called.
  9. He has also lived in the United States for 23 years, where the great majority of people speak English. Also, he presumably attended English-speaking public schools. He doesn't really have an excuse for not being able to speak English properly. He didn't get paid to play baseball when he was in middle school.
  10. Considering Manny has lived in the United States since he was thirteen, he ought to have had a decent grasp on the English language some years ago.
  11. In case anyone cares (and I know I don't), my team is Handoff Drugs.
  12. Sounds to me rather that places need better content filters.
  13. Redskins picked up Jason Taylor yesterday for a second- and a sixth-round pick in 2009 and 2010, respectively.
  14. I just can't figure out why I should be upset that this dude wants to sell his Wilco memento. Is it really that offensive?
  15. Having not seen Tropic Thunder, my favorite Jack Black performance is in Bob Roberts.
  16. "Jaded" carries a connotation of "world weary" not simply wiped out from being at a rock show.
  17. Jack Black's best performance.
  18. I don't think you used "jaded" properly.
  19. Do you have any more of these crispy crab cakes?
  20. Honestly, if Glenn is so concerned about what happens to the sticks he signs, he should hand them out himself instead of giving them to the roadies to distribute.
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