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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. That was my 13,129th post, and I'm not in a band, unless you count ction's band, and why would you do that?
  2. Seriously, it would mean less than nothing to me if this guy were to sell the drumstick.
  3. Well, since the war in Iraq is being waged so the Red Sox can get their hands on all that oil, I'm sure those days are not too far in the future.
  4. closer = pinch runner is the new oil = heroin [/el famous]
  5. This guy stole my fucking pizza one time. I'm surprised he has the cojones to even show up around here anymore.
  6. jnick, is this one of those things I'm supposed to scold El Famous for, in the interest of keeping things balanced?
  7. Somebody at another place I frequent on the internet suggested that Dan Uggla cost the National League the game, but I don't see it. None of the runners that reached on his errors scored, and NOBODY on the NL did anything offensively the last 8 innings or so.
  8. There's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying "shitty" beers.
  9. He gave away THIRTY BILLION DOLLARS in a single contribution. If you want to ask him for more, go ahead. p.s. "gimmick"
  10. Just backing you up, and truth be told, wikipedia told me about the $30B gift to the Gates Foundation.
  11. Actually, Warren Buffett has made the single largest charitable contribution in history, and he intends to bequeath the bulk of his estate to charity when he dies, so he's probably the most charitable person in the world.
  12. God DAMN, there is some good hyperbole and putting words in others' mouths in here today. Nice work, folks.
  13. Looks like the tall one is about to pull a Calvin on the short one's Chevy symbol.
  14. While I'm on the kids' side here, and the woman (not quoted in that article, but I've seen her stuff elsewhere...her name is Betty Pate) that's complaining the loudest is an absolute moron, they did clear and build on public land without permits or any kind of written permission to do so. I hope they can find a compromise. It's on page 8 of the videos here "Most of the people I know, and I've grown a family, stop playing wiffle ball when they're 12 years old. I mean this is just a farce to do something else." "I don't know what they're teaching their children. I didn't raise my children
  15. Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on? I hear that works sometimes.
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