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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. You forgot to add "from drinking so much alcohol!" Hah!
  2. The "how can I - WOO" and the "We can make it better" singalong stuff isn't really substantively different from crowd interaction at DMB concerts.
  3. "Milk It" (Nirvana) >> "Green Pastures" (Traditional)
  4. Man, I just reread much of the old Charleston cancellation megathread. That was some good times.
  5. In my haste, I fucked up my joke up there. It should read "Strokin'".
  6. I don't think any of us here have the authority to change the list.
  7. Where is Griffey the unanimous choice for #1 anything? People might have made that case when he was younger (and, as you say, they probably would have been wrong), but pretty much all anyone talks about these days is what could have been. And barring injury, Griffey would have put up some pretty special numbers. Hitting 600 home runs when 10 of your 20 seasons don't even come close to 160 games will make people speculate.
  8. The point is, I don't know what Barry Bonds has to do with anything, least of all vis a vis Ken Griffey, Jr.'s 600th home run. You brought him up. One does not have to compare Ken Griffey, Jr. to Barry Bonds in order to determine whether or not one or the other is over- or underrated. Cool. I don't see a lot of stuff that says Griffey is the best player of the 90s or one of the x best center fielders of all time, but I definitely don't read as much sports writing as you do. I certainly didn't hear crap about how great a player he was when he was playing 80 games a season - which, oddly enou
  9. And you can also be a first ballot hall of famer not named Barry Bonds and not be overrated.
  10. He hit 16 home runs in 122 games as a teenager. Something like the second youngest player to 300, 400 and 450 home runs. Seven seasons out of eight with 40+ home runs. An excellent fielder in his youth. He's had some injuries in the last couple years, and he's lost a step, but I'm not sure anyone still considers him the best player out there. Who's doing the overrating? He was hailed as the next big thing back when he was that guy. Since he started getting hurt and his pace has dropped off, he's no longer recognized as anything other than a future hall of famer who continues to contribute to h
  11. Did you really have to throw that in there? Congrats, Junior.
  12. I like Madagascar as much as the next 30+ dude without kids, but I didn't have anything to do with its production.
  13. Exactly. Don't forget, though: "Spiders are filling out tax returns."
  14. Haven't heard anything about that, but then again, I don't get to watch NESN every day anymore. Regardless of his feelings about not playing every day, he contributes when he plays, and I don't see why Red Sox fans should be fed up with him.
  15. Why? He's batting league average, taking his relegation to fourth outfielder pretty well, and he's got 8 stolen bases and decent rbi and run totals for a guy batting 8th and 9th every game.
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