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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I had that album. I thought it was decent.
  2. The hospital didn't just refuse to supply teens with contraceptives, they refused to supply teens with contraceptives without those teens' parents' permission. That's an important distinction, I think, and nothing in the article suggested that the hospital's position stemmed from Catholic values. A lot of Catholics do live in that area of the Northeast, however.
  3. Did John McCain agree to abjure private financing?
  4. I can't imagine any way that could possibly impact your life. If you don't want to read it, then don't.
  5. I don't think that guy posts here anymore.
  6. That's only because Ringo played bass on it.
  7. I have a moral objection to murder. Should those who want to engage in it be allowed to choose for themselves to commit murder? And before I get myself pigeonholed here, I am not anti-choice. I think abortion of convenience should be avoided, but I am opposed to legislating against it.
  8. Yes, I understand that not everyone feels that abortion is wrong - I also happen to know that not everyone feels that it's not. That is why I took exception to nickerson's post. I suppose, on further reflection, his assertion was only that the four activities were ALL not wrong, and thus he did not need to include abortion in his rebuttal to El Famous after all. Ok, perhaps I'm not quite done. It is demonstrably beneficial in many instances for a person to murder his or her spouse for insurance money. Is that right or wrong?
  9. Why does it have to be demonstrably detrimental to society as a whole for it to be "wrong"? It's demonstrably bad for the fetus, anyway.
  10. His original mention of abortion had no same-sex stipulation.
  11. Well the chick on the right looks pretty terrified.
  12. Yeah, sounds like it.
  13. Yeah, there's a bit of a Yankees thing with the rooting against the guy who always wins thing going on here, but it's hard not to respect what Tiger does. Rocco definitely seemed to take everything with a lot of grace today, and it's very hard not to like him with the attitude he displayed today. Both of them played their hearts out, and Tiger just pulled it out. Two great competitors were out there today.
  14. Your middle name is "Sourgrapes," isn't it?
  15. Ringo played bass on most of Sticky Fingers.
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