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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Never have I been happier to read "this video no longer available."
  2. As good as Ringo is as a drummer, I prefer his work with the bass guitar.
  3. He missed 9% of votes in the previous Congress and 1.8% in the one before that.
  4. Admiral Grandaddy doesn't get you the Distinguished Flying Cross or make you able to land on an aircraft carrier. There's no way being a McCain didn't help him get in the pilot's seat initially, though.
  5. Well, certainly all the things you mentioned could have been factors, but the six year hole in the middle of his service probably played as great a role as any. How do you get back on track after spending that long in a cage?
  6. Yeah, fair enough. John McCain was never going to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or a 4-Star like his dad, but he was selected for RADM, which is no mean feat. Although, again, there are a lot of factors that could have played in his favor - public sentiment, grandfathering, etc. And thanks for the clarification. I agree.
  7. The military survives by keeping secrets? I don't understand what that means. Your second paragraph, I get, and I agree that that's something he should be called on. All I'm saying about his military record is that my impression is that the Navy certainly didn't seem to have any problem with his performance prior to his combat experience, and they certainly wouldn't have selected him for Rear Admiral if they saw major defects in his performance. Absolutely, it's how you vote that counts. And it would be hypocritical for Obama to call out McCain on his voting attendance. Yeah, that's p
  8. I'm a good guy for a gal So won't you look my palm over I've got time for a chat So won't you tell me my future I'm gonna break down at fifty And I'm not quite a stallion I'm a good guy for a gal And I'm mentally slipping Oh yeah, oh yeah, whats that you see?" Oh boy, find out, whats up with me Oh yeah, oh yeah, whats that you see" Tell me, more of what's gonna be If your friends with Pee Well then your friends with me If you down with Pee Well then your down with me Friends of Pee Friends of Pee Friends of Pee Friends ooh woo hoo hoo Somebody's fame and fortune Is gonna come to me ear
  9. Why would Obama bring up missed votes when he is #3 on the list? Since Hillary Clinton is #4, I would imagine that many of the missed votes can be attributed to active campaigning for President. Tim Johnson, who is #2, has been recovering from a brain hemorrhage.
  10. Uh, if he was offered Rear Admiral and declined, he wasn't exactly passed over for Admiral. Since he didn't have much command experience, having missed five and a half years of prime service time in a POW camp, I don't find it odd that he would not have been expected to get four stars. That he was a Lieutenant Commander eight years after graduating from USNA says to me that he was progressing pretty well in his Navy career before being shot down. Any number of things, including the war in Vietnam, could have accelerated his progression through the ranks, but I don't see anything in his milit
  11. I'm already in two Yahoo leagues and one through ESPN, what's one more?
  12. Francisco Rodriguez actually entered a tie game tonight and got the victory.
  13. Yeah - Oval Office ceiling, Air Force One bathroom, some chick's lower back - I can make shadow puppets pretty much anywhere.
  14. Sparse Binary Polynomial Hashing - Indispensable to Each Other
  15. More history! Today marks the VERY FIRST TIME a sitting U.S. president has visited an Olympic beach volleyball venue! Can you believe it?
  16. According to NBC, the Opening Ceremony may very well have been the most important moment in all of China's history. Jesus Fucking Christ.
  17. Trying to read a sentence from you is like trying to breathe maple syrup.
  18. Who says they were? Dude could have been taking the fall...
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