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Junk Car Black Lung Trailer Park Camp

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also...holy shit....white chocolate mocha is my new favorite starbuck's thing.

I heard that Starbucks puts a substance in their drinks that brainwashes people into thinking that stuff like American Idol and James Blunt is damn fine entertainment. Oh, and that it's OK to pay a bajillion dollars for a coffee drink. ;)

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The new Roots album?


I don't listen to crap.






Have Samuel L. Jackson send your friend a message.




This past weekend, I was taking pictures of the kids and one shot of the oldest one is like a SAB with that Iraqi prisoner who was standing on the chair or whatever with the black hood on (my kid is wearing black skeleton pants on his head). I'd post it, but I'm afraid I'd be arrested and my pleas of "he wanted to wear that crap" would go ignored.

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I heard that Starbucks puts a substance in their drinks that brainwashes people into thinking that stuff like American Idol and James Blunt is damn fine entertainment. Oh, and that it's OK to pay a bajillion dollars for a coffee drink. ;)



they were selling neko case cds....oh, and i agree about the paying a bajillion $$ thing....oy.

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This past weekend, I was taking pictures of the kids and one shot of the oldest one is like a SAB with that Iraqi prisoner who was standing on the chair or whatever with the black hood on (my kid is wearing black skeleton pants on his head). I'd post it, but I'm afraid I'd be arrested and my pleas of "he wanted to wear that crap" would go ignored.

Please post pics.


(Such pictures make excellent negotiating tools for teenagers.)

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what happened with the beehive? :stunned

He decided to go with a crewcut instead.

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I have a picture of Bethanydear wearing my mom's wig on the top of her head.

I have no fear of the law in posting said picture. What I do fear is reprisal from Bethanydear. It wouldn't be pretty. :worried





That outfit should win an award!

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There was like a week last year where he wouldn't leave the house without sock-gloves. And they had to be one white sock and one blue (of course, he also had to wear mismatching socks on his feet).


We took a trip to Richmond during this time and his cousins all kept asking him what was up with the socks. His response..."that's the way I like it, uh huh uh huh".


Weird kid.

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