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Bob Dylan pulls a Bono!

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  EL EL COOL F said:
Yep, saw this last night. If I really cared that much, i'd love to go back and so how many Dylan fanatics are the same folks that were up in arms over the U2 ad. Is Mr. Dylan getting paid for that ad?



Yeah, that was sort of my point. Although I have to confess that I was one of them... I cant help it though -- the guy is just cool no matter what he does.


Plus, and I know its a lame rationalization by a Dylan fanatic, but when he does stuff like this (or Victorias Secret), I think of it as another case of Dylan keeping everyone guessing and doing whatever he can that is the opposite of what you'd think. When Bono did it, it was annoying.


Like I said, I know its a lame rationalization. Dylan can do no wrong for me. :lol

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  MattZ said:

Yeah, that was sort of my point. Although I have to confess that I was one of them... I cant help it though -- the guy is just cool no matter what he does.


Plus, and I know its a lame rationalization by a Dylan fanatic, but when he does stuff like this (or Victorias Secret), I think of it as another case of Dylan keeping everyone guessing and doing whatever he can that is the opposite of what you'd think. When Bono did it, it was annoying.


Like I said, I know its a lame rationalization. Dylan can do no wrong for me. :lol


No, you're right...that really is a lame rationalization. ;)

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and, again, for the record...I have no problem w/ artists as big as Dylan/U2 to indie acts like Iron & Wine/Spoon utilizing this as another revenue stream and marketing tool to get their music out to a wider audience. It's good business.


However, I smell double standard relative to Bob doing it vs. U2. Unsurprisingly.

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  EL EL COOL F said:
and, again, for the record...I have no problem w/ artists as big as Dylan/U2 to indie acts like Iron & Wine/Spoon utilizing this as another revenue stream and marketing tool to get their music out to a wider audience. It's good business.


However, I smell double standard relative to Bob doing it vs. U2. Unsurprisingly.

I agree on all counts.

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  EL EL COOL F said:
However, I smell double standard relative to Bob doing it vs. U2. Unsurprisingly.


Hey, the only thing wrong with a double standard is there are two of them. :brow

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  Sir Stewart said:
So like, yeah, when was the last time we saw Bob on guitar.


It was so great. I smiled for the rest of the night. I purposely waited until today to listen, and I am running out at lunch to buy the CD. Cant wait to get home tonight to listen. Is there anything that approaches pure childhood glee like waking up on the morning of an official release that you haven't heard? And then putting the CD on and having the speakers explode with unfamiliar tunes from a familiar voice? I am counting the hours to get home. I suppose thats why I try so hard not to listen to leaked albums. Getting them on their official release date is like a pure and natural high.


And El F, et al. -- I acknowledged the double standard and was poking fun at myself for exactly that reason. You get no argument from me on any of the double standard talk... I cant defend it.

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  MattZ said:
And El F, et al. -- I acknowledged the double standard and was poking fun at myself for exactly that reason. You get no argument from me on any of the double standard talk... I cant defend it.

Be careful there, Matt. A post like that might cause teh Internets to implode.

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  MattZ said:
And El F, et al. -- I acknowledged the double standard and was poking fun at myself for exactly that reason. You get no argument from me on any of the double standard talk... I cant defend it.


It's all good buddy, I totally understand how being a diehard fan of an artist will do that. :music

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Semi-off-topic alert! I really don't get the waiting-for-the-CD mentality. At all. We all wait months to hear a given anticipated release; why prolong the agony? For me, nothing approaches the kind of glee I get from finally being surprised by a new album when it leaks a few months/weeks/days in advance of the official release. If anything, that sort of experience recalls the old days - the pre-media saturated ones, I mean - of walking into a record store and discovering out of the blue that a favourite artist has just released a new record... certainly moreso than than marking the calendar with red X's while we sit around waiting for New CD Day.


That said, I'm off to buy MT in about an hour. Woo!

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It's about as cool as an iPod ad can be, which is not very. Or maybe they can be good, but I've yet to see one.


As for the similarity to Bono. If Dylan was making music that I liked as little as Bono's then I'd probably be a bit more bothered. When you can say, "at least his album's good," it's a little easier to forgive (forgive not being the right word, but I can't think of another one at the moment).

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  solace said:
funny thing is, the iPod isn't exactly geared towards Dylan's main demographic, which is one of the reasons it's pretty damn cool


I'm not really sure about that. Dylan has got some major college pull, if only for the reason that it's cool to listen to Bob Dylan. However I can promise that not a lot of college kids are going to be buying Modern Times except for true fans. I guess what i'm trying to say is that all of those in the main Ipod demographic know Dylan as an icon of cool, but consider "The Best of Bob Dylan" as a complete collection.


.... it'll sell ipods, but not new dylan albums.

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