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Loose Change--5-year 9/11 anniversary

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i love loose change because i can use it with high school students to teach them to read between the lines. selectively picked facts can make a really good sounding case, until you look deeper. the melting point of steel thing was such an awesome teachable moment. while it's totally true that jet fuel fires can't melt steel, it's not true that the steel needs to melt to lose enough of it's tenstile properties and collapse under weight.

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i love loose change because i can use it with high school students to teach them to read between the lines. selectively picked facts can make a really good sounding case, until you look deeper. the melting point of steel thing was such an awesome teachable moment. while it's totally true that jet fuel fires can't melt steel, it's not true that the steel needs to melt to lose enough of it's tenstile properties and collapse under weight.


Sounds like you are the kind of teacher we need more of, Anodyne. :thumbup


I've spent my kids' whole lives reminding them to consider the source & examine the facts in whatever news or advertising they see. I hope they will go out into the world as intelligent citizens and consumers.

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Funny. I thought it was uber-conservative kooks. You know, the type who think we shouldn't have any government whatsoever and we should all join our local militia group.


Unless you were being sarcastic. Then, nevermind.


Kinsley, are you telling us you haven't got those twins signed up yet for the Bush Youth? :brow Just think how cute they'd look in the teeny uniforms!

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Just wondering if some of you folks actually watched this thing and if you did what you thought. Clearly many of you don't buy it or shrug it off as "liberal kooks," which is fine.


Today, newspapers are reporting that the CIA in fact believes there is no evidence linking prewar Iraq to Al Qaeda. We also have heard that in fact Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. So America invaded Iraq mistakenly, I guess.


I believe close to 3000 American soldiers have been killed there.


I don't consider myself in the "liberal kook" camp though I find myself more concerned about right-wing kooks than those on the left. I don't buy the conspiracy theories hook, line, and sinker, either. But I have become less certain about what is being reported about 9/11 in mainstream news and by official reports.


Probably better not to pursue it here, where spirit of Wilco love unites us...



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You bring up a good point. Many people said that Saddam and Bin Laden hated each other during the lead-up to the war. In this sense, the administration is right, this is nothing new. However, it doesn't need to be new to be right, and they clearly still insist on repeating their old, wrong information.


As recently as an Aug. 21 news conference, Bush said people should "imagine a world in which you had Saddam Hussein" with the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction and "who had relations with Zarqawi."


He's still peddling this stuff. He seems to have a kinship with the 9/11 conspiracy theorists in that they believe if you repeat something enough, some (enough) people will believe it.

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liberal kooks - spend too much money on welfare and as we all know welfare mothers destroy the world. At least Reagan would have had you think so.


conservative kooks - rush to war, on false premises, which kills tens of thousands of people - further destabilizing a very unstable region.


Oh, I have to add the king of conservative kooks - Pat Robertson - 9/11 happened because of gay people. ;)

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