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Jenny Lewis v. Scissor Sisters

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Same night. same time. I cannot decide which concert to attend.


Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, the Cannery. not a great venue, but ok. i went last time this tour was in town and loved it. i also have a crush on jenny fwiw.




Scissor Sisters, City Hall. better venue. I have never seen them live or heard the new cd. i did like the last one a fair bit but rarely listen to it much anymore.


insight on SS or their new album would be particularly helpful.

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  rareair said:
insight on SS or their new album would be particularly helpful.

They've got No 1 single and album over here. The single is pure pop, but I think that the general consensus is that this time around they are trying too hard and everything is a bit formulaic. I have not heard the album - just going on reviews and stuff I've seen. Still seems to be selling bucketloads though. I liked about 2 or 3 tracks off the first album. Nothing wrong with a frivolous good time night out, but I would have a better time with Jenny Lewis myself.

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ok. the results are in. not as much love for scissor sisters as i would have thought. but i am going to check out small sins.


thanks for bringing me to my senses. i was trying to convince myself to go to the show i have not seen before.


instead, i will go see jenny lewis again and pretend she is not dating a member of her band.


thanks. :thumbup

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Yea, do you want sexy alt.pop.indie country rock or crazy gay discoesque wild shit? Both sound okay...


(I'll put in a vote for the SS even though I have never seen either, just to even things out..but if it were me.....)



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I would go see Jenny, but I have yet to see her. If I just saw her a few months back then I would go to the show I hadn't seen before. Jenny Lewis and Watson Twins, while great (and SEXY) only have one album out...their show may change a bit, but how much can really change in 8 months since you last saw her. Is she still out on the road promoting Rabbit Fur Coat?? If so I would say go to Scissor Sisters.


Either way you should be good to go.

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  Serak_the_Preparer said:
their show may change a bit, but how much can really change in 8 months since you last saw her.



So? :lol Jenny is smokin' hot. I have the most major of girl crushes on her. I don't know much about the Scissor Sisters, but it doesn't matter. I'd choose Jenny over anyone. :yes

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  esel said:
for some reason i thought jenny lewis was playing the belcourt.....

anyway, i'm staying home that night.


she played the belcourt last time. i wish she were again as the cannery's acoustics have issues imo.

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  rareair said:
she played the belcourt last time. i wish she were again as the cannery's acoustics have issues imo.



yeah, the cannary is pretty terrible. is she so popular that the mercy lounge is too small?

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  esel said:
yeah, the cannary is pretty terrible. is she so popular that the mercy lounge is too small?


someone thinks so. the belcourt show was packed.


it will be interesting to see how full it actually is.

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