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ryanadams.org message board

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...is "temporarily disabled". because "sensitive information" was leaked. wonder what?

i know, who cares, etc, etc. VC is so much better anyway.


from the board:

"I just had a good talk with Ryan about his concerns and reasons for requesting that the board be taken off-line temporarily. There's been a lot of talk about censorship and restricting free speech, but I can assure you he has no grand plans to silence the .org. In fact, quite the opposite, he sees it as a valuable resource, and has enjoyed taking part in the message board, discussing shows even when someone gives a negative review.


There are problems that arise when a site becomes as visible as the .org is. We probably get as much, perhaps even more, traffic than the official site, so it does invite those looking to cause trouble. Someone will join simply to spread a rumor or even outright lies. It

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I have tried time and time again to "get into" that message board, but it simply pales in comparison to VC. No organization to it at al.



That board really is rough to read. I don't think it even has a search function by user. The Ryan Adams Archive is much better for just the straight news. Plus, they have torrents there!


So, do we have a clue what post caused this to occur?

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From what I heard, it was some regular fans (and several new non-Ryan Adams community internet weirdos/trolls) poking just a little too much fun and becoming outright rude and intentionally provocative and saying things to Ryan Adams and about Ryan Adams that Ryan Adams got tired of hearing/reading, dissing his band and the members of the band. So *poof* goodbye message board. I don't blame him at all. Why should he put up with such lack of respect?

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I have tried to get into that board too, but every time I've looked in on it, it's overrun with people writing things like, "OMG, Ryan iz so Qt. duz anybody knO wot brand he smkez? I luv dat shirt he wz warin lst wk. bt I hOp itz not true dat he hookd ^ w Lindsay Lohan cuz she iz such a skank.I tink I wiL git a Tat2 of Ryan lyrics on my lowR bak."

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Here's a link to the full story, via Stereogum:




first response to that:


who knows, this might be good practice.

first, he'll start to edit message boards.

then, he'll realize that editing can benefit his music.

we'll end up with 1 cd per year of great music. because, as of right now his batting average is about .200-2 good songs per cd. not even worth a listen. but who knows, maybe .600 is in his future.

uhhhh, nevermind.

Posted by: mattshu at October 4, 2006 2:19 PM

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It sucks but he does put himself in the light a little too much,do we really have this problem here?...................no,you would get your ass chewed by the Wilco Army!

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have tried to get into that board too, but every time I've looked in on it, it's overrun with people writing things like, "OMG, Ryan iz so Qt. duz anybody knO wot brand he smkez? I luv dat shirt he wz warin lst wk. bt I hOp itz not true dat he hookd ^ w Lindsay Lohan cuz she iz such a skank.I tink I wiL git a Tat2 of Ryan lyrics on my lowR bak."
Exactly. People also have sigs so long I always read them and think it's their damn post. It seems like there are a lot young kids there who post stuff like they're text messaging each other. Like, "I'm cool cause I know this person's real name and not just their screen name." Definately hard to read through.
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