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Rank The Velvet Underground albums

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It's not the Velvets, but I really love Nico's Marble Index. John Cale does some really amazing soundscapes on that one. The whole album is just so strange and unlike anything I've ever heard. I think Lester Bangs said something like it was like Cale built her a beautiful cathedral in hell. It's not particularly easy to listen to at first, but once I "got it" it moved up into my top albums of all time list Anyone else like this one?

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One thing I've wondered - is the piano on All Tomorrow's Parties a loop or is he playing that in real time?

Just seems like that would kill your wrists.

There were no loops back then.....I know that is hard to imagine, just like there didn't use to be computers or TV.....


In fact I believe the recordings done on the first album or two are live in the studio. In fact one of the great things about the box set is the booklet that describes the recording of the first album in a ramshackle studio that barely had any ammenities. This was the "good old days", few fancy recording facilities..whatever it took to get recorded.



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There was such a thing as tape loops - don't know when bands begin using them though.

I'm not sure either,but didn't the Fabs utilize something like that on 'Tomorrow Never Knows'? ('66) That would be pretty early on.

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There was such a thing as tape loops - don't know when bands begin using them though.
I'm not sure either,but didn't the Fabs utilize something like that on 'Tomorrow Never Knows'? ('66) That would be pretty early on.
Yea, I began thinking about that after I said it yesterday, but the fact remains, VU was a rather poor scuffling band that didn't have the same resources that bands like the Beatles or the Beach Boys would have had at that time. The description of them recording the first album in a studio that was about to be torn down is pretty entertaining. A far cry from what the big time bands had at their disposal at the same time.


What is amazing about VU are the range of sounds they got out of their intruments just by playing them; particularly Cale's viola playing. When he left the band lost a great deal.



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Yea, I began thinking about that after I said it yesterday, but the fact remains, VU was a rather poor scuffling band that didn't have the same resources that bands like the Beatles or the Beach Boys would have had at that time. The description of them recording the first album in a studio that was about to be torn down is pretty entertaining. A far cry from what the big time bands had at their disposal at the same time.


What is amazing about VU are the range of sounds they got out of their intruments just by playing them; particularly Cale's viola playing. When he left the band lost a great deal.





Maybe I have just heard that album too much - I prefer the other stuff - such as all those . . .Says songs. I tell you one thing - I doubt anyone could get the drum sound/rhythm that one hears on If She Ever Comes nowadays.

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Oh really



1. Who Loves The Sun

2. Sweet Jane

3. Rock And Roll

4. Cool It Down

5. New Age

6. Head Held High

7. Lonesome Cowboy Bill

8. I Found A Reason

9. Train Round The Bend

10. Oh! Sweet Nuthin'

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Oh really

1. Who Loves The Sun

2. Sweet Jane

3. Rock And Roll

4. Cool It Down

5. New Age

6. Head Held High

7. Lonesome Cowboy Bill

8. I Found A Reason

9. Train Round The Bend

10. Oh! Sweet Nuthin'


I was mostly referring to how much the sound and feel of the record changed from their other albums. Its still great but I think its shit compared to the other 3.

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I really love Nico's Marble Index. Anyone else like this one?

I haven't heard that one, but I've got some other solo stuff by her and I really think it's good. Not too crazy about the song "Chelsea Girls," but "One More Chance" and "Sixty Forty" are great, and I've always liked her version of Bowie's "Heroes."

Avoid the (Live) Heroes album though: it's recorded badly and sounds like shite.

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My point was that you first said it sucked (save one song) then you said you listened to another one of the songs that you originally said sucked too much and "killed" it for yourself. My question was why would you bother listening to a song that sucked so much that you killed yourself on it. I never said whether or not I like Loaded or implied you should.

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My point was that you first said it sucked (save one song) then you said you listened to another one of the songs that you originally said sucked too much and "killed" it for yourself. My question was why would you bother listening to a song that sucked so much that you killed yourself on it. I never said whether or not I like Loaded or implied you should.

nevermind man. I just think loaded is the worst out of all the VU albums. but I love oh sweet nuthin'. I obviously didn't explain that well enough. Ofcourse there are other great songs on there but compared to the other albums they kinda blew it with loaded. IN MY OPINION.

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