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Decemberists review

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I was at this Chicago show, and I loved every bit of the performance except the time they wasted trying to re-enact the final Hobbit battle. :rolleyes The Riv was too packed ... sold out ... and there was no room for this and we could have heard 2 or more songs in that time. Even before they attempted it, I mentioned to LouieB that I thought the days of marching through the crowds with their instruments was over for the Decemberists -- but no, they proceeded to attempt it anyway. Other than that, I was very happy with the show.


Yeah, had they skipped this little bit drama at the end they would have time to play the Mariner's Revenge Song as the audience wanted.


There is no reason that a band with this large of a catalogue should be relegated to such a short show (particularly the encore).


Otherwise, the show was fantastic.

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i left halfway through the show in Columbus, Ohio. i used to consider myself a pretty loyal fan, but it was just simply one of the most boring concerts i've ever been to.


I believe that you've been waiting for certain people to 'Clear out their ears and see the Decemberists for what they are'?


soo, welcome to the slow descent into the dark rump of Meloy hatas.

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i left halfway through the show in Columbus, Ohio. i used to consider myself a pretty loyal fan, but it was just simply one of the most boring concerts i've ever been to.
Ouch...why not at least stay until the end. How boring could it have been? What did you have to do that was better than hangout and listen to a band? The rest of the evening must have been pretty damn exciting.


Having said that, these guys do need to find a way to ratchet the act up just a touch. Having seen them twice and not being a big fan or anything, I must admit, the first time was more exciting than the second time. They moved the show along in a much better pace when they were on the way up. Now that they have made it, they have to figure out a way to stay on top.



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I believe that you've been waiting for certain people to 'Clear out their ears and see the Decemberists for what they are'?


hey, i never said that!


Ouch...why not at least stay until the end. How boring could it have been? What did you have to do that was better than hangout and listen to a band? The rest of the evening must have been pretty damn exciting.


it wasn't just boring, it was pretty damn annoying as well. on top of putting up with Meloy's pretentiousness, the crowd was just too immature for my tastes (singing pirate girls with boys dressed up in their little sister's jeans and eye makeup tends to creep me out).


and trust me, Louis - leaving that show was the best thing i could have done. wait...why should i have to explain myself to you anyway?

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As a journalist, I reserve the right to denounce stuff that sucks in as creative and entertaining a manner as I can come up with. This "everything is great to somebody so don't criticize anything because it might hurt somebody's feelings" crap is just that - crap. Music, or any, criticism should always be taken with a grain of salt, but it should also be considered coming from a perspective of consumer protectionism, not jealousy or hater-ism or whatever.

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Guest Speed Racer
Ouch...why not at least stay until the end. How boring could it have been? What did you have to do that was better than hangout and listen to a band? The rest of the evening must have been pretty damn exciting.


For me, the breaking point is when you long for doing mundane things. I've broken up with girls before because all I can think about when I'm with them is organizing my CDs. It's when you *don't* want the evening to be exciting and you still want to leave that it's okay to leave a concert.

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[Music criticism] should also be considered coming from a perspective of consumer protectionism, not jealousy or hater-ism or whatever.

I believe deeply in the virtue and importance of quality criticism. But at the same time, I have little patience for reviewers who substitute dismissive, snarky witticisms for critical perspective. That's not consumer protectionism, that's self-aggrandizement, and it has little to do with real criticism. When I read a piece of criticism, I'm searching for thoughtful perceptions--pro or con--that are rooted in knowledge and sound musical theory, not in some cynical, pathetic desire to score points with the hipster crowd (or any other crowd).


The best critics, to my mind, help illuminate a work and alter my experience of the work. Even negative reviews can do that, when written with intelligence and insight. And I'm not suggesting that critics check their personality at the door--in fact, when critics deny their personality, experiences, and biases, they are denying the very things that qualify them to discuss why art matters as human expression. But such writing ought to model how listeners can achieve a deeper understanding of the arts by analyzing their own responses to it, not simply show off a refined sense of contempt. Usually when a critic resorts to a tone of childish superiority, it's a clear sign that they have very little of substance to say.


To me, the writer in question here is a very skilled and entertaining writer, but not a very useful critic.

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hey, i never said that!

it wasn't just boring, it was pretty damn annoying as well. on top of putting up with Meloy's pretentiousness, the crowd was just too immature for my tastes (singing pirate girls with boys dressed up in their little sister's jeans and eye makeup tends to creep me out).


and trust me, Louis - leaving that show was the best thing i could have done. wait...why should i have to explain myself to you anyway?


well, that's what you get when you're in cbus. singing pirate girls and guys in girl jeans. you probably should have expected that when you attended. i was there, and yes, they were annoying, but i didn't let them detract from my concert experience.


meloy may be pretentious, but when has any performing artist with some shred of success not given in to such pretentiousness? yes, dance contests and the Battle of Gallipoli were a little over the top, and being at the edge of the pit myself couldn't see anything, but honestly, you don't always have to go balls to the walls HARD ROCKZZ to end a set every night. one, it's draining, and two, it's ridiculous, because how you end is how people think of you. you want people to think you're hardcore metal when you play hardcore folk, end with a metal tune. and etc. the Decemberists probably wanted to end as people who enjoyed a good time. thus, they "enacted" (from what i hear, i didn't see anything) the Battle of Gallipoli. foolish maybe, yes, but it's a fun way to be remembered. i've always had a distinct dislike of bands that distance themselves too much from the audience, and this was a great way to have something happen.




in terms of the article, though, i would have valued it higher than the peso if it supplied any evidence to back any of its claims. i almost though i was reading a Colin Meloy roast. many of the attacks are just plain unfounded and just as (if not more) pretentious than anyone else thinks Colin Meloy is - it's just horrid, gross, and disgusting to see people firing off in that way against each other. especially by quoting a personal email to "counter" in a public place is outrageously offensive to the sender, in this case, Meloy.


yes, i may like the decemberists, but that doesn't mean i always jump to their defense when i hear a bad word (i reserve that right for wilco). but, when something as hateful and unfounded as this comes along, i can't stand aside and support my fellow man in his fight against douchebaggery.

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well, that's what you get when you're in cbus. singing pirate girls and guys in girl jeans. you probably should have expected that when you attended. i was there, and yes, they were annoying, but i didn't let them detract from my concert experience.


so apparently the fact that i didn't enjoy anything about the "experience" is my own fault :yawn


foolish maybe, yes, but it's a fun way to be remembered.


as fools?

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and trust me, Louis - leaving that show was the best thing i could have done. wait...why should i have to explain myself to you anyway?
You don't its just it had to be pretty terrible to totally walk out I figure. The only reason I would walk out is if I were totally beat or totally bummed. Either way I just can't see the Decemberist being THAT bad.



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try and follow along, ok?


oh hey gershon, nice of you to show up.


@timbits - in a way, it is. it got to your head, and it stuck there. and you left, because it seems to me that you took it to the point where it bugged the hell out of you. now i'm no expert on people in general, but that's a surefire way to piss yourself off and not have a good time.

and, ending foolishly doesn't make fools, it makes people who do foolish things. fools are entirely different stories...

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I've been listening to the Crane Wife the last few weeks and I like it, maybe just a little too pseudo-earnest, but a good creative record. Jenny Conlee's organ work on the Island is fabulous - as unslick as Genesis in the early 70's and eerily similar I might add (that particular tune, that is) . . .

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I saw them once at Schuba's a few years ago and I will admit it was a pretty fun show. Granted, I was told that it was their 'rock' set and the other nights were a little more subdued. I actually had went more to catch dios malos who were opening for them, but I was pleasantly surprised.


However, it did not translate into my enjoyment of their recorded works...which, try as I might, I have never been able to get into. I even put on an ascot, fake handlebar mustache and smoked a funky sherlock holmes pipe while listening and it didn't take.


Timmy, I don't understand how one could have a problem w/ chicks dressed up as pirates however. I've paid good money to enjoy that.

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well, that's what you get when you're in cbus. singing pirate girls and guys in girl jeans.

don't know how I missed this earlier, but caught it on re-read


see, we LIKE singing pirate girls here


we'll send the guys in girl jeans to SlumBQ III, though . . .

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