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Again?? Sheesh.




I don't think it's ever been released in the UK yet, which is weird. I agree though, it's a bit pointless, unless the second disc is going to have a lot of footage on it. Personally I think they should extend the bootleg series to include dvd footage too, it's about time Hard Rain or some kind of Rolling Thunder Revue dvd came out (that doesn't mean Ronaldo And Clara - which would be a bad idea). There must be loads of other concert footage floating about from the 1980's and 1990's too, or even some more recent stuff would be great - I'll be pissed if they choose to cover something else from the 1960's when there is so much more to him than that.

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I wonder what the other disc has got on it? Maybe those outtakes that were leaked a while back.


This reminds me that I forgot to say Eat The Document as a great music doc. I much prefer it to Don't Look Back which I find a little hard to watch at times, because, to me, Dylan acts like a tosser in it pretty much most of the time.


The first disc of Don't Look Back is going to be the original film remastered. The 2nd disc is a 60 min collection of outtakes assembled by Pennebacker left out of the original film. I'm assuming, much like the Additional footage found as a bonus on IAMTBYH.



I'm a big fan of Eat The Document as well. Unfortunatley I don't think we will ever see a release of this untill Dylan's death. Which is a shame, because my copies quality is decent but leaves alot to be desired. Pennebaker has a rough cut of his version called, "Something Is Happening Here" full of different scenes and overlapping as well. As I believe we've seen parts of in No Direction Home. Maybe someday this will be released as a 2 DVD set...if all keep praying really hard.

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Most of the great ones have been spoken for already, but I'd add Woodstock and The Festival Express, and The Shane McGowan one If I Should Fall From Grace.


I just re-watched Gimme Shelter a few nights ago, as it's on On Demand, as well, this month.

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does Dig! count? i'm not an enormous BJTM fan but it was pretty good.


That movie is great! It's like a indie Spinal Tap but BJTM isn't kidding. Problem is, the movie made me want to check out their music and you what, it's all pretty horrible.

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i've been watching a lot of the "classic albums" series on VH1 Classic - The Band, Dark Side of the Moon, Rumors, Ace of Spades.... good stuff. kind of cool to hear the background stories on what went on during the recording of these...

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Does Dreaming In America: A Film About Lucero count? Since it tags along with a working band as they tour small dives across America, I suppose it's a bit of a Moment in Time doc. As music, there's plenty to recommend to fans of, I dunno, UT or DBT, but as documentary, this is pretty standard-issue stuff.

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I love music movies they're my favourite. Alot of them


The Kids Are Alright - The Who

- My favourite Who DVD really great.


The Last Waltz - The Band

- Sort of a concert movie but also has documentary bits. "Helpless" is awesome.

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