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The show I saw them do in Montreal a few weeks ago was a magical, make you speechless, can't stop grinning, end of show exhausted, truly fucking amazing experience.


That said, I can understand why some people are confused that they followed Funeral with Neon Bible.

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Does anyone know what bizarre instrument(?) Regine was playing on the SNL performance? I already forgot if it was the first or second song and now it isnt on youtube anymore?


For what it's worth, I am in the "they are the best thing going now" camp.

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Does anyone know what bizarre instrument(?) Regine was playing on the SNL performance?



from Wikipedia:

A hurdy gurdy (alternately, hurdy-gurdy) is a stringed musical instrument with several strings arranged so that they can be played simultaneously by a rotating wheel covered with rosin. It is essentially a mechanical violin. This method of producing sound is similar to string instruments such as the violin, but because the hurdy gurdy produces several notes together, with a melody accompanied by chords made by "drone strings", its sound is perhaps more comparable to that of bagpipes. For this reason, the hurdy gurdy is often accompanied by the bagpipes, particularly in French and contemporary Hungarian folk music.

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I really don't get how anyone could condemn their lyrics. Tunnels was an absolute gut punch the first time it twinkled into existence on my stereo. It's still as magical on the 100th+ listen. Same with Laika and most of the other songs on Funeral.


BTW, can "in the backseat" get some love on this board as a severely underrated track on Funeral? I love that song.

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You can get an amen from me, brother Artifice. I dig both of Regine's songs on Funeral quite a bit. "In the Backseat" isn't the most exciting song on the disc, but the lyrics, especially the allegory central to the song, are beautiful. And "Haiti" is probably my favourite song on the record.

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You can get an amen from me, brother Artifice. I dig both of Regine's songs on Funeral quite a bit. "In the Backseat" isn't the most exciting song on the disc, but the lyrics, especially the allegory central to the song, are beautiful. And "Haiti" is probably my favourite song on the record.


I think "In The Backseat" works incredibly well as the album closer, but I rarely listen to it unless I'm listening to the full album.


Haiti is a fave of mine as well, especially for the following lyrics:


Tous les morts-n

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Oh it breaks my heart to see those stars

Smashing a perfectly good guitar

I dont know who they think they are

Smashing a perfectly good guitar



Words of wisdom from Mr. Hiatt!

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I must say that Neon Bible is taking a while to win me over but then again Funeral did the same and I ended up adoring that to pieces. They are outstanding and far and away the best thing in music currently.


I first saw them on a tv clip that I think Solace put up on the Jayhawks board and I was knocked out by their energy and their sound. All that from a tv clip too I might say.



There was a bit of a hub-bub over here when their tickets went on sale recently. Seemingly they were snapped up and going for 4,5 and 6 times their face value on e-bay less than 20 minutes later. Questions asked in parliament and on the new shows...all high brow politicos talking about a band that they had no clue about. :P

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