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I think Friend Opportunity is excellent. But I'm still extremely puzzled by the inclusion of Look Away as the last track.


I still think, after listening for several weeks, this album gets less likable as it progresses. Those first two cuts are absolutely killer, but by the time Look Away comes on I'm getting bored. And when Look Away starts, I'm gone.


And, as previously posted, I'd start present and work backwards.

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I think Friend Opportunity is going to be my favorite album this year, even with all the competition. Wilco and the White Stripes will hopefully follow close behind.


Tip: don't play "Look Away" in your car on the highway because any traffic around you will freak you out, or maybe just me. That song originally freaked me out playing it anywhere, but I've come to anticipate the changes in it, and I really like it. I want to see the film they were scoring it with.


+81 was really the big draw from the start, but I don't think there's a weak song on this album, I can't pick a favorite. Even "Kidz Are So Small" went from ridiculous to ridiculously good in my mind.

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I love their sound but I wish they did more catchy stuff such as the delightful "Twin Killers" and "Wrong Time Capsule" on The Runners Four.


They don't come close to Wilco to me, but it's not comparable anyway, they're more in the Sonic Youth league. Wilco isn't a noise band, Jeff Tweedy is a real tunesmith.

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I'd say the most essential Deerhoof album for me is "Apple O," Their three most recent albums are all equally good and full of merits, so pick whatever you want from there.
I found this for a buck 50 at a resale shop and think it is okay.....



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I saw this band live, had never heard of 'em and thought to myself "meh" Didn't grab my attention at all.

Then got a hold of Runners Four. Again I didn't pay much attention initially. Noticed I kept hearing these neat little songs coming up during shuffle that were intriguing. Burned a copy of the record and lived with it on the drive home for a few days and came to really like it.






Tip: don't play "Look Away" in your car on the highway because any traffic around you will freak you out, or maybe just me.

It's not just you. Freaked me out too!

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