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wow, I consider that incredibly exciting news.


So, this is going to be on par with the instrumental only album "The In Sound from Way Out", except that this will be all original material, whereas TISFWO drew from Ill Communication and maybe Check Your Head?


I'm not sure how to feel about this yet. The idea works better as a side-project or something you put out with little fanfare or announcement.




Well, I'll end up buying it anyway.



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They're top notch rappers but only decent musicians in my opinion. Honestly I usually skip over the instrumentals to get to the good stuff. Those songs are okay but they're not what I want to hear when I put on the Beasties.

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This is devistating news and have lost almost all interest.


EDIT: I just read the email from the Capitol records employee, and it's rather ambiguous. It could merely mean that there are instruments on each track, though I'm still nervous.

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Maybe your supposed to supply your own rhymes. Do they really make rhyming dictionaries?

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I Love the B-Boy's. I love the idea of some instrument only shows, but I gotta say their stuff has been lame as of late. Hello Nasty was ok, I really didn't care for the last one. My freind and I were just talking the other day that the B-Boys need to come out and knock our socks off with the new one.

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i can't see them doing an all instrumental record and then treating this is some big brand Beasties album as they have, and the Check Your Head comparison...


i'll believe it when i hear it.


i love their instrumentals (Jen, they actually pretty damn good musicians honestly...), but I want a new full on BBoys record to wash the taste of TT5B out of my mouth!

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Cool song titles, too:


1) B for My Name


2) 14th St Break


3) Suco de Tangerina


4) The Gala Event


5) Electric Worm


6) Freaky Hijiki


7) Off the Grid


8) The Rat Cage


9) The Melee


10) Dramastically Different


11) The Cousin of Death


12) The Kangaroo Rat


(of course, there's a poll on the Boys' message board right now debating whether the cover/tracklisting are fakes.)

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They are not nearly as good as they were in the early '90s although they're still decent. I saw them "open" for Radiohead at Giant's Stadium (June '03) and they were pretty lame and only played for about 40 minutes; then Radiohead tore it up for almost 3 hours.


My brother in law shared gigs with the Beasties at places like CBGB in the early 80s and says they're cocky punks.


Paul's Boutique and Check Ya Head were the pinnacle of their careers.

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My brother in law shared gigs with the Beasties at places like CBGB in the early 80s and says they're cocky punks.

This is the most beautiful thing ever. :lol Tell your brother in law "no shit" for me, would you?

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