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The inevitable sell out post

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Tom Waits may think that, but unless he has a definitive copy of the 'Rock'n'Roll Rulebook and By-laws' then it's just one other artists opinion. I respect him, but he doesn't carry that much influence for me personally.




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On & On & On would be great for a battery commercial. Some John Everyman could be crying over the competition's dead batteries. Their's were designed to die, but our brand goes on and on and on....on and on and on (various handheld electronic devices being turned on). Logo.

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The only difference between a H2 and a Chevy Tahoe is the body.I thought you were a pretty cool cat,but your mommy buying you VIP tickets and hotel rooms to Bonnaroo is pretty weak.Who goes to a festival that there mom paid for and stays in a hotel,everyone will look at you like a little rich Mommy's Boy.Does that make your mother a bitch?........No.


Does that make you look like a spoiled brat?..................Yes

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Thats some of the most backwards assed logic I've ever seen.


Yes, there are exceptions to the rule, and we can't know the circumstances of every single driver, but for the most part, people who drive Hummer's aren't in accidents, and don't have dying children in the car. There is just as much a chance of that happening as any other driver on the road.


The gas going into the Hummer is the same as the VW, but the gas in the VW will get you farther, and will probably burn cleaner (as far as I know, Hummer's don't have to meet the same emission's standards as normal cars, because of their weight) and more efficiently. Even if the Hummer's driver has less of a distance to drive, he is still wasting more gas, because of he drove a passat, he would be using half of the gas.


Jesus, typing that all out, i just realized how stupid and backwards your logic was in that post. I can't believe I took the time to reply...


And if the Passat driver took public transportation

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Are family could not do without gas guzziling vehicles......................We work in construction,farming,and horse training.I drive a VW and and HD truck,I have to pull a 10,000 lb Bob Cat,my mother travels with a huge ass duelly to pull anywhere to 4-6 horses at a time. Without vehicles of this nature our family would be bankrupt.


It really depends on the application, as evidenced in your post. If you're using a "gas guzzling" vehicle for a practical purpose then, well, it's practical to own one.


Commercial Hummers are not made to be practical, though. They are made to symbolize the freedom to consume excessively, whether the Hummer owner knows it, or not, GM surely does. I'd venture to say that there are many vehicles that can do what a Hummer does, and better, for cheaper.


Every Hummer owner I know keeps it spotless, waxed, and empty.

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Your welcome : )


The Japanese were responsible for many deaths

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The only difference between a H2 and a Chevy Tahoe is the body.I thought you were a pretty cool cat,but your mommy buying you VIP tickets and hotel rooms to Bonnaroo is pretty weak.Who goes to a festival that there mom paid for and stays in a hotel,everyone will look at you like a little rich Mommy's Boy.Does that make your mother a bitch?........No.


Does that make you look like a spoiled brat?..................Yes


Ok, cool. I totally forced my mom to do all that. (I don't really need to defend this, but if you look in the Bonnaroo thread, I said "I didn't want her to do it, but I don't mind." She did it for herself because she didn't want to camp, and didn't want me camping alone. )


Basically, I don't understand why there is any reason to buy a hummer, and I think it's a pretty ridiculous thing to buy. I probably shouldn't have said asshole, but yes I think it's a really stupid car to drive, and serves no practical purpose. If you really think I hate your father and wish him ill and etc, thats cool.


I should stop posting my opinion and wait until other people (such as Owl ^) say what I do only more eloquently, because it's only a matter of time before it happens, and I'll end up looking like less of a douchebag.

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Ok, cool. I totally forced my mom to do all that. (I don't really need to defend this, but if you look in the Bonnaroo thread, I said "I didn't want her to do it, but I don't mind." She did it for herself because she didn't want to camp, and didn't want me camping alone. )


Basically, I don't understand why there is any reason to buy a hummer, and I think it's a pretty ridiculous thing to buy. I probably shouldn't have said asshole, but yes I think it's a really stupid car to drive, and serves no practical purpose. If you really think I hate your father and wish him ill and etc, thats cool.


I should stop posting my opinion and wait until other people (such as Owl ^) say what I do only more eloquently, because it's only a matter of time before it happens, and I'll end up looking like less of a douchebag.


Flying consumes more fuel than most Humvee drivers would in a lifetime

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Noblewoman: What a splendid party! I do believe everyone of any importance in England is here tonight.


Nobleman: Who would miss a party given by Lord Salisbury?


Butler: [ waiting at the door for guests to arrive ] Lord and Lady Wilkinson!


Lord Worcestershire: A marvelous entertainment, Salisbury! These chopped steaks are terrific, especially with this delicious mushroom sauce.


Lord Salisbury: Thank you, Coming from you, Worcestershire, that certainly is a compliment. [ turns to his guests ] Lord and Lady Wilkinson, welcome!


Lord Worcestershire: Tell me, Wilkinson, what the deuce is the purpose of two swords?


Lord Wilkinson: It's simple, really. Let's say you're an an attacker. My first blade straightens you upright, while the second clips you neatly at the ankles.


Lady Wilkinson: And there's Lady Wilkinson, for attacking your opponent's underarms and legs!


Butler: The Earl of Sandwich!


Nobleman: Tell me, have you seen Lord Cardigan?


Noblewoman: I understand he was turned away at the door..


Nobleman: Lord Cardigan? Why in heaven's name?


Noblewoman: He wasn't properly attired. Evidently, he came in a sweater.


Nobleman: Odd. I saw Lord Ascot, and he got in..


Butler: The Duke and Duchess of Argyll!


Lord Worcestershire: You know, Sandwich.. were the Sandwich Islands named after you?


Earl of Sandwich: Oh, no. Everyone asks me that, but I'm afraid nothing has ever been named after a member of my family.


Servant: Excuse me, your Lordship, but would you care for one of Lord Salisbury's steaks?


Earl of Sandwich: Yes, I would. Would you bring it to me with a couple slices of pumpernickel, please?


Servant: Yes. [ steps away ]


Butler: Lord and Lady Doucebag!


Lord Salisbury: Well, well, well.. I was just asking Lord Sandwich, "Where the devil are those Douchebags?"


Lady Doucebag: Well, it has been impossible to get him out of his workshop! He has been working day and night.


Lord Salisbury: You, Douchebag? Well, I wasn't aware you dabbled in that sort of thing. What in heaven's name are you working on?


Lord Doucebag: Well, I would be happy to tell you.. but perhaps after you have finished eating.


Lord Salisbury: Well, here is Chambers right now. Would you like something to eat?


Lord Doucebag: We're not too hungry right now - just a plate of raw vegetables.


Lord Salisbury: Would you like some dresing with that?


Lady Doucebag: Just some vinegar and water, thank you.


Earl of Sandwich: Douchebag, how are you? I haven't seen you in the House of Lords in ages! Don't tell me for the first time in memory we are going to have a House of Parliament without a Douchebag?


Lord Doucebag: My dear Sandwich, Parliament has always had its share of Douchebags, and it always will.


Lord Salisbury: Spoken like a true Douchebag. I have often heard the King speak of your family.. [ to Earl of Sandwich ] ..and of yours, as well: "Give me a Sandwich and a Douchebag, and there is nothing I cannot do."


Earl of Sandwich: Hear, hear!


Lord Salisbury: So, tell me, Douchebag.. when are you going to show us that invention of yours?


Earl of Sandwich: Yes, Douchebag, just what kind of an invention are you sitting on?


Lord Doucebag: Well, it's a long story. Why don't we go out to the garden, and I'll explain it to you.


Earl of Sandwich: Tell me - did Lady Douchebag help you in the project?


Lord Doucebag: Help? Why.. she was the inspiration!


[ they exit to the garden to discuss the wondrous invention ]


Butler: Lord Compost Heap and Lady Disinfectant Cake!

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not for nothing but that VW suv isn't exactly cheap

Have you priced a Phaeton, or are they not making that one anymore. Talk about sticker shock. I bet they're sending the money they make off their current sales back in time to try and keep Hitler from eating a bullet.


Except for the Touareg, of course.

See above.


Again, you seem to be looking at this strictly in terms of dollars and cents, whereas I can't get past the principle of the thing.

That's cool man, and I'm sorry. Many of the rest of us either can get past the principle, or instead don't feel that the principle applies to this situation.


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Thank Christ I will be poor all my life and will never be able to own one of these evil cars.

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I think we can all agree Volkswagen is an evil company, as is H2. And anyone else who makes money. And myself and my mother are assholes, and oceanman's dad isn't. And El Famous would look better with a CMB haircut, but only marginally better.

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You came to the board and started a thread criticizing the band which the forum is based around. You have made no attempt to post anywhere but in your own thread, and you are now asking stupid questions (not really a trolling thing, as I admit I do it too, but it's a bit for me). Thats pretty much trolling.


To answer your questions, yes I drive a car and yes, it uses gasoline. If I lived somewhere where I didn't need to use the car (i.e. not the suburbs) I wouldn't. When I'm at school, I rarely use my car, since I can walk everywhere.


I am not flying to Bonnaroo, I am driving. Which is a lot of gasoline being used. It would be alot more if I wasn't driving a compact car.


Although I would change the way I

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