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Wendy's manager shot over chili sauce

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Hot-headed shooter wanted more chili sauce




A Wendy's restaurant manager almost lost his life to a disgruntled customer early Tuesday morning.


The cause?


Chili sauce. The shooter wanted more.


According to Miami-Dade police, just after midnight, a man was going through the Wendy's drive-through at 18181 NW 27th Ave. As he picked up his meal, he told the attendant he wanted extra chili sauce.


When he didn't get his sauce right away, he began arguing with the attendant.


Then, when he did get his sauce, he wanted more.


The attendant told him restaurant policy prohibits a customer getting more than three packets.


The customer insisted on 10.


The female attendant complied, but the customer continued arguing.


The attendant asked the customer to pull up so the manager could come out and speak with him.


''The manager came out to inform him of company policy, and he shot at him several times,'' said Mary Walters, a Miami-Dade police spokeswoman.


The manager was struck in the left arm. He was taken to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital and is expected to recover.


The customer fled in a brown four-door vehicle with a female passenger.

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there was a cop shot and killed in cleveland heights on friday by a man who was off his anti-psychotic meds (no health insurance, no job, no meds). the gun was reported stolen from a home robbery in pennsylvania. at this point (and i am saying this as a gun owner), perhaps this country isn't responsible enough to have guns. even good people have guns stolen and put into the black market, so let's grab up those guns too.

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My three year old neighbor was shot while riding his Big Wheel last week. He was shot because of an argument between his uncle and his uncle's cousin in the front yard.


This country really sucks sometimes.

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My three year old neighbor was shot while riding his Big Wheel last week. He was shot because of an argument between his uncle and his uncle's cousin in the front yard.


This country really sucks sometimes.




Real plants (or earthworms) don't need guns

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My three year old neighbor was shot while riding his Big Wheel last week. He was shot because of an argument between his uncle and his uncle's cousin in the front yard.


This country really sucks sometimes.


Chris, I hate to ask, but did the poor kid survive? That's so horrible. :ohwell

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Hot-headed shooter wanted more chili sauce




A Wendy's restaurant manager almost lost his life to a disgruntled customer early Tuesday morning.


The cause?


Chili sauce. The shooter wanted more.


According to Miami-Dade police, just after midnight, a man was going through the Wendy's drive-through at 18181 NW 27th Ave. As he picked up his meal, he told the attendant he wanted extra chili sauce.


When he didn't get his sauce right away, he began arguing with the attendant.


Then, when he did get his sauce, he wanted more.


The attendant told him restaurant policy prohibits a customer getting more than three packets.


The customer insisted on 10.


The female attendant complied, but the customer continued arguing.


The attendant asked the customer to pull up so the manager could come out and speak with him.


''The manager came out to inform him of company policy, and he shot at him several times,'' said Mary Walters, a Miami-Dade police spokeswoman.


The manager was struck in the left arm. He was taken to the Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital and is expected to recover.


The customer fled in a brown four-door vehicle with a female passenger.



That's thrilling news.


Even moreso since I'll be moving to Miami in a couple of months. :dontgetit


I guess I should cross off that particular street address from my list of places to live.

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That's thrilling news.


Even moreso since I'll be moving to Miami in a couple of months. :dontgetit


I guess I should cross off that particular street address from my list of places to live.


As long as you don't live in Miami proper you'll be fine. Try Broward county, if at all possible.

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Nope. Little guy died in the driveway. :ohwell

I'm sorry,thats just the worse news I've heard all year.

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there was a cop shot and killed in cleveland heights on friday by a man who was off his anti-psychotic meds (no health insurance, no job, no meds). the gun was reported stolen from a home robbery in pennsylvania. at this point (and i am saying this as a gun owner), perhaps this country isn't responsible enough to have guns. even good people have guns stolen and put into the black market, so let's grab up those guns too.

Yuck... I'll be moving up to Elyria this summer, so that kinda freaks me out.

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That truly is a horrible story. KC is a pretty rough city I hear. Still not quite as bad as East St. Louis (30 minutes from JT's hometown of Belleville, IL).



Kansas City is a huge metroplitan area of a half a million people. East St. Louis is more like a small town (20,000). Kansas City's crime rate is no greater or lesser than any other metropolitan area of the same size.


I am not a hard core gun control advocate, but when angry young men can illegally purchase firearms, and believe that is the way to resolve dispute, there is no baby or neighborhood in this country that is safe.

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there was a cop shot and killed in cleveland heights on friday by a man who was off his anti-psychotic meds (no health insurance, no job, no meds


Hey guys just a question, I live in Canada.

In the states, do you have to have a job, to get the necessary insurance to purchase necessary prescriptions???

If that is true, wow....

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Hey guys just a question, I live in Canada.

In the states, do you have to have a job, to get the necessary insurance to purchase necessary prescriptions???

If that is true, wow....

It's not required, but you most likely would need a job to be able to afford the necessary insurance to purchase those prescriptions.


The U.S. healthcare system is a massive clusterfuck, and it's probably the number one drag on our economy. The sorry state of the "big three" car companies has a lot to do with rampant healthcare and pension costs.

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My three year old neighbor was shot while riding his Big Wheel last week. He was shot because of an argument between his uncle and his uncle's cousin in the front yard.


Is his uncle or cousin in jail? Maybe reckless homicide?

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