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any fellow graphic designers out there??

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I wasn't formally trained in graphic design but I have a degree in fine art. I have my own business and have been getting a lot of freelance graphic work and am training for typesetting/book design currently. So I guess my answer is... sort of ! :)


Edit: What do you do graphic designly speaking isadorah (and you posters before me)?

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I wasn't formally trained in graphic design but I have a degree in fine art. I have my own business and have been getting a lot of freelance graphic work and am training for typesetting/book design currently. So I guess my answer is... sort of ! :)


Edit: What do you do graphic designly speaking isadorah (and you posters before me)?

I'm in video production/ 3D animation... also a freelance illustrator & courtroom sketch artist.

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i do design work for museums, non-profits, and artists. i did do a couple "tours of duty" for a government agency in the career, but really love the museum work, that's where i'm at now.


was curious because i've always found it helpful to pester other designers for fonts, tips and tricks, computer issues, and all that other fun stuff that comes up and you're sure someone out there has the answer.

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I probably wouldn't be able to help you technically (I'm sure your experience has made you way better than me), but I could help with constructive criticism, though. Before I finish something, I usually show it to several friends for input to point out any possible design improvements.

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I just learned how to flash animate in Illustrator today. Pretty cool stuff. In the past, I had been setting up and unholy amount of layers in Photoshop and then animating them in Imageready -- which was a goddamn nightmare. Check this out to learn the whole flash animation deal.

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hobbie of mine, I enjoy it too much to make a career of it. :D



smart very smart! although i have to admit, the days where i sit at my desk and spend 8 hours working on drawings are pretty great. those are the moments when i chuckle to myself and think "wow, i'm getting paid to do this".

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