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Ann Coulter: Crazy bitch

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She's kind of like our version of Aimee Semple McPherson, crossed with Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS. And a man.

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I don't believe for a second, that she's smart enough to come up with such an elaborate scheme. You honestly think in a few years, she'll come out and say, "Ha! it was all a put on!"


no way.

No. I don't think it's an elaborate scheme. I was exaggerating.


But I do think she intentionally exaggerates her viewpoints and makes nonsensical and inflammatory statements that even she knows are bunk simply to remain in the limelight (if you will). I believe she's already a fraud as I don't think that even she believes half of what she spews.


I just overused the term "believe" but I believe it to help make my point.

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"Part VIB: The Meaning of Life", contains two philosophical monologues. The first is delivered by a cleaning lady (played by Jones), entirely in rhyme, culminating with "I feel that life's a game, you sometimes win or lose / And though I may be down right now, at least I don't work for Jews". Her reward for this offensive comment is to have a bucket of vomit immediately dumped on her head by the nearby French waiter (Cleese), who then offers a profuse apology for her racism.
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Has anyone mentioned the fact that Donny Douche is an advertising man by trade?? There could be a lot more here than meets the eye. As someone pointed out, a huge "controversy" emerged from Ass Coulter's last appearance on the douche show as well.

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Has anyone mentioned the fact that Donny Douche is an advertising man by trade?? There could be a lot more here than meets the eye. As someone pointed out, a huge "controversy" emerged from Ass Coulter's last appearance on the douche show as well.


wow, you're witty.

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I don't believe for a second, that she's smart enough to come up with such an elaborate scheme. You honestly think in a few years, she'll come out and say, "Ha! it was all a put on!"


no way.

You're probably right, but so many of the right-wing pundits appear to be in character.


I think that's why I find the Stephen Colbert so funny.

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I think that's why I find the Stephen Colbert so funny.

I kid you not, I know at least two college-educated people who believe Stephen Colbert is a real pundit--and they think he's the best thing since, well, Ann Coulter. What does it say about "real" commentators (and their followers) when a cartoonish parody is indistinguishable from the real thing?

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I kid you not, I know at least two college-educated people who believe Stephen Colbert is a real pundit--and they think he's the best thing since, well, Ann Coulter. What does it say about "real" commentators (and their followers) when a cartoonish parody is indistinguishable from the real thing?


That is incredible that anyone would actually believe that with Colbert being so ridiculously over the top. That's a pretty sad commentary on the 24 hour cable television "news" channels.

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Re: Colbert being "real"


And people sometimes have the temerity to ask why I'm proud that I'm a self-made professional with no pieces of fancy paper... Christ, people are stupid. (No offense intended in the event that these guys are close friends of yours, of course. Oh, who am I kidding?)


Coulter is a wind-up artist, plain and simple. She's a three-dimensional cartoon, and she goes around spouting these beastly ideas and opinions simply because the public goes along with it and writes her cheques worth millions. It'd be kind of funny if her views weren't actually representative of so many people, so instead she's basically a cancer in the heart of America.

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uhhh...objection your Honor, leading the witness...


I could never defend any of the bullshit that comes out of Ann Coulter's mouth, nor would I want to. However, Donny "Douche" kept asking those stupid-assed questions. His ratings must be completely in the shitter to have to stoop low enough to have her on the show to begin with. And then to start peppering her with questions designed purely to get a sensationalist response. Shame on him. He's a self-serving bastard. Ann is intellectually worthless and purely a tool for shock value. Yet people keep inviting her on their TV shows. Screw you Donny! I guess you got what you wanted, a ratings boost. And here we are talking about it. Bravo Donny...Bravo. You got what you wanted. What an a-hole.



Just like every Right-wing talk show host.


We're all different in the exact same ways.


Oh, and I am not defending the tactics, just making an observation.

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Just like every Right-wing talk show host.


We're all different in the exact same ways.


Oh, and I am not defending the tactics, just making an observation.

no disagreement there. i was merely referencing the fact the the last two media blowups regarding coulter were from HIS show.


any show regardless of political bent needs to question why the hell they would give such a lowlife a platform to spew her opinions.

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There's no comparison, really. Moore doctors headlines, intentionally tweaks quotes, and gets loud when he wants to make a point. When Ann makes a point, everybody who isn't rich, white, American, Christian, or part of a nuclear family is marginalized, brutalized, or flat-out threatened with extermination. The strongest evidence that the woman is nothing more than a crass sensationalist is the fact that she'd have been institutionalized decades ago if she actually believed the pitch-black shit that gushes out of her head every time she opens her mouth to talk.


Check out the assortment of quotes on her Wikipedia page. Sane people don't think such things.

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For every post we've wasted on this topic, we could've had five minutes of our lives back. And if this is only taking five minutes of our lives, imagine how much time Coulter wastes with anyone who is foolish enough to pay attention.


Don't look her in the eye or you'll turn to stone, maaaaan.

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