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Ann Coulter: Crazy bitch

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Thankfully there's not many ( if any) psychos here that would defend this woman. She's a muckraker of the worst kind.

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Asked by CNBC host Donny Deutsch what the U.S. looks like in her dreams, Coulter said it would look like the Republican National Convention in 2004
When Deutsch responded, "It would be better if we were all Christian?" Coulter said "Yeah."
Deutsch, himself Jewish, continued to press Coulter on her remarks, asking, "We should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians then?"
Later in the interview Deutsch asked Coulter if she doesn't want any Jews in the world, Coulter responded, "No, we think
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Why she continues to rile people confounds me. She makes a living inciting debate by spewing venomous fiction that people respond to. It's not that hard to use the "ignore" function in real life.


I always considered her like a Howard Stern of politics. Stern gets paid to be "shocking" but in reality it's really just ignorance/stupidity.

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Why she continues to rile people confounds me.

I pretty much ignore her. If anything still riles me about her, it's that the media doesn't ignore her. They really need to stop inviting her to appear on television.

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Stern is a genius? My point is that Coulter, like Stern, makes a living off of stirring the pot. But it's not really in a constructive way. It's closed-minded and usually inane.


Or at least he used to be like that. I haven't watched/listened to him in a while because the program got pretty idiotic and all he talked about/featured was strippers and spent a lot of time baiting people.

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Or at least he used to be like that. I haven't watched/listened to him in a while because the program got pretty idiotic and all he talked about was strippers and baited people.


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Jesus. I was going to Cleveland for a wedding once and had to listen to an entire Stern show from start to finish, as my former brother-in-law was a fan. The only thing I found remotely (and shamefully) funny was the KKK movie reviews.

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Just messing with you. I'm a Stern fan, but you're comments are valid.

Maybe a better way for me to have said it is that I think of Coulter like Stern in terms that they are both to be taken as "entertainment" only.

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Maybe a better way for me to have said it is that I think of Coulter like Stern in terms that they are both to be taken as "entertainment" only.

Agreed, although I think Stern is crazy talented and intelligent.

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