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"torture" is such an odd subject for me, im pretty set in my ways on political issues but I seem to flip flop mentally, on one hand its torture of pure scum and a terrorist has no right period to not get his ass beat down, but on the other hand once you torture you just bring yourself to such a low level! nevermind the entire factor that the suspected terrorist may really just be a regular joe who flirts with the idea of radical islam but will never pose a threat to anyone, im happy im not a politician


also never mind that the average "suspected terrorist" is just a "detainee" with no previous interest in radical islam who happened to be in the wrong house (probably his own) at the wrong time. but regardless, that the wrongness of torture under any circumstances is debated in this country (the u.s.) blows my mind. we have slipped, badly, and still are slipping under our so-called leaders who are driving us into the ground with their self-important tunnel vision and greedy agendas and fearmongering tactics. it's a heartbreaker. it's amazing how quickly people can get used to radical changes in their country's morality and founding principles. "impossible germany" comes to mind.

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  • 7 months later...
The enactment of the new FISA bill last week was destructive for many reasons, including the fact that it legalized a regime of warrantless eavesdropping that is certain to be abused. But the far more destructive aspect of the new law is that it was just the latest example -- albeit the most flagrant -- of our political class abolishing the rule of law in this country.


It will never stop being jarring that Pulitzer-Prize-winning revelations from the New York Times that the President and the telecom industry were committing felonies for years culminated in the full-scale protection of the lawbreakers and retroactive legalization of the criminality by the "opposition party" which controls the Congress.


One cannot coherently sanction or even acquiesce to serious government lawbreaking and then feign outrage over illegal torture and other war crimes. The sanctioning of government illegality is precisely what leads to abuses like the American torture regime. Those who have spent the last seven years scoffing at Unserious, Hysterical objections to Bush lawlessness are the very people who have created this climate that they will now pretend to find so upsetting. The "rule of law" isn't some left-wing dogma that is the propriety of Leftist radicals and hysterics. It's the cornerstone of every civilized and free society, and Jane Mayer's new book is but the latest piece of evidence to prove that. - Glen Greenwald


And this is what is so upsetting to me w/r/t Obama's capitulation - he has helped sanction that for which he, at one time, stood 100% opposed. We don't need people that would sanction this sort of behavior running our country - democrat or republican.

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If I had to be tortured, I think I'd rather have this done than have someone hurt my junk.

ok, you'd rather be waterboarded than have someone hurt your junk. that's just grand, we'll put you down for waterboarding and nothing worse.


you don't get a say, buddy. waterboarding is only some percentage of torture techniques. chances are, if you're caught in an immoral detainee system and are waterboarded, you either have been or will be tortured in other ways also; and my impression is, they don't give a crap about your junk. in fact, since you're worried about your junk, they'll likely target it. "they" being middle-eastern torturers or u.s. torturers or any other brand of torturer. doesn't matter. it's all the same.

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ok, you'd rather be waterboarded than have someone hurt your junk. that's just grand, we'll put you down for waterboarding and nothing worse.


you don't get a say, buddy. waterboarding is only some percentage of torture techniques. chances are, if you're caught in an immoral detainee system and are waterboarded, you either have been or will be tortured in other ways also; and my impression is, they don't give a crap about your junk. in fact, since you're worried about your junk, they'll likely target it. "they" being middle-eastern torturers or u.s. torturers or any other brand of torturer. doesn't matter. it's all the same.


I'd also rather be covered in snakes than covered in spiders.

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