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i have such an emotionally beautiful attachment to "Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy)"

it's great great little album. listened to it endlessly last year.

Yeah, I know most people rate Here Come The Warm Jets as his finest, but I like Tiger Mountain just a little better, mainly because of Mother Whale Eyeless, Third Uncle (which 801 rocked live), and the title track, which is gorgeous.

Warm Jets is a close second for me, though. Who doesn't love On Some Faraway Beach?

Years ago, I got a cool "fan recording" tape called The Ambivalent Collection, which I believe has most of the vocal stuff that was supposed to be included on My Squelchy Life, but I don't think it ever got released. Eno did release one of the songs (Under) on Another Day on Earth, but this has some other great tracks, like Fall Up, Stiff, and Over, as well as his hard to find Seven Deadly Finns and cover of The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Anyone know where I can get this stuff on CD?

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Eno's great. He was smart to hire Phil Collins. My first exposure to him was the "More Blank then Frank" best of album when I was in high school. It took me a long time to figure out if I liked it/him. Turns out I do.


I saw the U2 Classic Albums dvd over the weekend. Not one of the better Classic Album installments, imo, but Eno's story about his multiple attempts (including sabotage) to get U2 to scrap their, in his mind, irreparably flawed version of "Where the Streets Have No Name" and start on a new version was very funny.







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The Eno/Bowie trilogy was great. Low, Heroes, Lodger. They get less great as you move through them, but Low is a masterpiece. Some have already mentioned Eno/Byrne's My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. Still sound fresh a couple of decades later. Also, he produced Fear or Music by Talking Heads.

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