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Looking at the "Now Playing" threads

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If I listen to the same album, or even the same artist, over and over again, even within a week or so of each other, I get really sick of hearing them. Yet, it appears that many of you do not. I find this odd.


Do you ever get sick of hearing a particular artist or album that you like? Do you ever burn out on it?


I always make sure to space out my listening, so that I don't get too sick of something. Even if I get a craving. Especially if I get a craving. I don't want to ruin it for myself.


Do you ever ruin an album or artist for yourself with repeated listening?


If so, why do you do it?

This intrigues me.

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If I listen to the same album, or even the same artist, over and over again, even within a week or so of each other, I get really sick of hearing them. Yet, it appears that many of you do not. I find this odd.


Do you ever get sick of hearing a particular artist or album that you like? Do you ever burn out on it?


I always make sure to space out my listening, so that I don't get too sick of something. Even if I get a craving. Especially if I get a craving. I don't want to ruin it for myself.


Do you ever ruin an album or artist for yourself with repeated listening?


If so, why do you do it?

This intrigues me.


There are only a few bands/albums that I can listen to constantly without getting tired of them. Wilco is maybe the only artist, Silent Alarm from Bloc Party, Harvest from Neil Young, The Story of the Clash, I could listen to at any time for any amount of time. Otherwise I get sick of stuff. I pretty much ruined The Postal Service by listening to them too much.

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I've burned out on many a great album. This is one of the things I really love about going digital; it I catch myself overdoing it on an artist, I put the iPod on shuffle for a day or two until something I haven't heard in a long time catches my fancy. Then I'll revisit that album.


In the past when I've burned out on albums, it's usually because I get stuck and can't seem to branch out beyond the familiar. That's just me and my short attention span, though.

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I'm pretty big on listening to the same things over and over again. I don't burn out on them but I burn my partner out on them. I like getting all up in great albums, so that I know every line and every symbol clash then I can really get down with it while I'm listening and singing along.

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it depends on how much i like the album or what it means to me. Take Cloud 9 from george harrison.. i've probably listened to that a couple of times a week for the last 15 years.


Also the 1928 recordings from Mississippi John Hurt - a few times a week for the last 8 years - still never tire of it

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I have listened to live Grateful Dead shows on pretty much a daily basis for 25 years. I'll go through phases with other bands from time to time but I never get tired of the GD. Really.

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I go on binges with the artists I like at the moment. Like for a week or two at a time. then move on to whatever is suiting me next. It's kind of weird but its nice. especially when I have tons of music by them. sometimes I throw a random un related album in the mix then go back to what I was on before.

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I'm a binger, too. Let's see, in the past few months I've been on a Springsteen bender; had an on again, off again affair with Elliott Smith; practically OD'ed on the Ike Reilly Assassination; and rekindled a old love romance with Tom Waits.


I have weird, obsessive tendencies when it comes to music anyway. I must listen. I don't tire of things that easily.


There are a couple albums that so smack of the moment I first fell in love with them I don't listen to that often anymore. For fear of losing that.

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Guest Speed Racer

I've explained my rather bizarre listening habits in another thread, so I won't repeat them at length here.


I randomly select from one of nearly 20 iTunes playlists of mine each week - most all of them for an specific artist, one general playlist, and one of 'unplayed tracks.' I also have a queue of albums to listen to for when I want to listen to an album, and I always go in order of the queue.


If I really want to hear a song I'll play it, but otherwise I use the chosen playlist as my music for the week. It keeps me from too acutely isolating my listening, and so I don't really get too tired of certain artists.


That being said, before I started choosing the weekly playlist in September I got way the heck burnt-out on Elliott Smith. Listening to him a bit too much while I was sick for a bit too long, and I really can't handle the association right now.

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I also have to work at limiting the plays of stuff I'm really getting into. I'll also burn out on artists over a longer period of time I think. I don't listen to Wilco as much as I used to and I'm afraid that will happen with other old favorites.

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My recently developed addiction to Yo La Tengo has become so serious that I am considering seeking professional help. I cannot stop.


NP: Moby Octopad



they're so all over the board that it's not too hard to only listen to ylt. then throw in some live shows for the mind freak and pass out to summer sun. get up and repeat.


i did get on a big stereolab kick this year but they're all over the place too.

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I listened to nothing but Bob Dylan for a semester and burned out on him really hard. One time I locked myself in my room with a bottle of jack and his entire 60s output. On a daily basis I was listening to his mid-60s rock trilogy and the outtake songs from those albums (basically an extra albums worth of songs.)


I just put together a Nirvana Live compilation from bootlegs, and after listening to dozens of hours of bootlegs to find the right choices, I wound up extremely burned out on them this X-mas.


I'm kind of burned out on David Bowie lately too. I listened to "Young Americans" 196 times in a row...yeaah.

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I listened to nothing but Bob Dylan for a semester and burned out on him really hard. One time I locked myself in my room with a bottle of jack and his entire 60s output. On a daily basis I was listening to his mid-60s rock trilogy and the outtake songs from those albums (basically an extra albums worth of songs.)


I just put together a Nirvana Live compilation from bootlegs, and after listening to dozens of hours of bootlegs to find the right choices, I wound up extremely burned out on them this X-mas.


I'm kind of burned out on David Bowie lately too. I listened to "Young Americans" 196 times in a row...yeaah.



tried pinups?

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also, some people have different albums for different times.


for some reason, on saturday mornings when i wake up, i like to listening to Sinatra. on sunday mornings, i like listening to Katie Melua. Sunday afternoons goes to Gordon lightfoot. If i'm stressed, its Mississippi John Hurt


maybe its just an OCD :lol

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