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Is Jessica Simpson cute?

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i would set up a five-night residency in [shakira's] ass...while Charo watched. i looked at that gif for about 45 seconds and it almost compelled me to rob a 7-11 and send the $ to her.


if her posterior ran for the presidency w/ beyonce's as the running mate...even on the republican ticket...i'd vote for them.



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well, I do love myself on occasion, but I was speaking about teh wife


lol - now, just sort of leave this page open, all nonchalantly like, and call the wife over to take a look at something, something in your eye or something or other, and then, when she asks why you posted a picture of her on the internet, tell her, especially in the context of this discussion, hotness, then, just sit back and watch the giant smile spread across her face....right before you get lucky.


She is lovely, you're a lucky guy.

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Why exactly does this subject affect my life?

I'm guessing it's the whole body-image issue. Unattainable and idealized archetypes of beauty meant to keep the women folk down by causing them anguish over not looking that way and eating disorders trying to get that way. The pendulum will swing its big ass around one day and JLH will once again rule the known universe. And people will complain that the media is causing binge eating in teenage girls who are trying to look Rubenesque.

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Why exactly does this subject affect my life?
Jessica Simpson and the like being shoved in our woman-faces all the time is supposed to make us feel bad. It works on some women but such methods of oppression are powerless against extra awesome, hot as all get out, chicks like you and me and all of the other VC hotties. :thumbup
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Jessica Simpson and the like being shoved in our woman-faces all the time is supposed to make us feel bad. It works on some women but such methods of oppression are powerless against extra awesome, hot as all get out, chicks like you and me and all of the other VC hotties. :thumbup

Well see, I've got nothing against little missy either. I have been living in my non Jessica skin for a long time. It's not kept me from having amazing sex, deeply satisfying relationships or wonderful children. I just don't get the problem.


And you, miss Loretty, are an especially hot VC chick. :cheers

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Would it also be fair to say that one of the main culprits in oppressing women about how they look (especially among teens) are other women? Isn't there a serious amount of looking down one's nose at another girl's dress size? Not to say that dudes on Madison Ave. aren't doing their fair share, but it isn't just a guy thing.

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Would it also be fair to say that one of the main culprits in oppressing women about how they look (especially among teens) are other women? Isn't there a serious amount of looking down one's nose at another girl's dress size? Not to say that dudes on Madison Ave. aren't doing their fair share, but it isn't just a guy thing.
I think thats part of the problem. There's this myth being perpetuated that implies that women are all nasty bitches who just hate each other and walk around loathing themselves or harboring jealousy of one another. In my experience at least, women aren't like that in the real world. Mature, well-adjusted women love themselves and all of their "sisters" as well, regardless of dress size.
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Mchris, you are missing treehugger guys point. You are supposed to have stereotypically low self-esteem. Same goes for the rest of you women. The men too. All of you. C'mon people. You are weak. All of you.

Can I send you a copy of Dianetics? You'll feel much better about yourself.




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Mature, well-adjusted women love themselves and all of their "sisters" as well, regardless of dress size.

I hate to say it, but I really don't think all of you are mature and well-adjusted. Especially in high school. You and M Chris and company around here are, but...

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High school doesn't count....they certainly aren't (nor was I) mature in high school. Insecurity and in-fighting definitely goes down there but there aren't really a lot of high school chicks on VC, are there? I think we're mostly in our twenties and up?

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Would it also be fair to say that one of the main culprits in oppressing women about how they look (especially among teens) are other women? Isn't there a serious amount of looking down one's nose at another girl's dress size? Not to say that dudes on Madison Ave. aren't doing their fair share, but it isn't just a guy thing.



I hate to say it, but I really don't think all of you are mature and well-adjusted. Especially in high school. You and M Chris and company around here are, but...

But is that really a symptom of mass media throwing this unattainable standard in people's faces, or is it just the way it is? I mean, people looked down at other people for a whole slew of reasons long before the advent of TV and the Madison Avenue advertising machine. Seems to me, it's more a matter of there being more of a forum for people who want to perpetuate the idea that there's a problem than of there actually being a real issue.

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But is that really a symptom of mass media throwing this unattainable standard in people's faces, or is it just the way it is? I mean, people looked down at other people for a whole slew of reasons long before the advent of TV and the Madison Avenue advertising machine. Seems to me, it's more a matter of there being more of a forum for people who want to perpetuate the idea that there's a problem than of there actually being a real issue.


I don't see how any of this is going to lead to me seeing more boobs


just sayin'

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I think the most aggravating thing for me about this whole mess of stuff is that there are people profiting off of others' insecurities. Praying on weakness is not cool, ever, and that's just what happens when men are sold hair plugs and diet pills are pushed on women.

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High school doesn't count....they certainly aren't (nor was I) mature in high school. Insecurity and in-fighting definitely goes down there but there aren't really a lot of high school chicks on VC, are there? I think we're mostly in our twenties and up?

Point taken, but isn't that where most negative body issues really start to take root? Not saying that as a statement of fact, but more of a question from someone who is interested in this since in a few years I'll be dealing with a HS-aged daughter.


And yes, most of us here on VC are mature and well-adjusted. :brow

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Point taken, but isn't that where most negative body issues really start to take root? Not saying that as a statement of fact, but more of a question from someone who is interested in this since in a few years I'll be dealing with a HS-aged daughter.


And yes, most of us here on VC are mature and well-adjusted. :brow

I think the body issues are probably unavoidable to a degree with young women but it doesn't have to be extreme if she's got good parents (or other caring adults) in her life who fight against all the negative Mtv bullsh*t and ensure she knows that being an awesome chick has nothing to do with her bra size or how shiny her hair is. What's really awful is that the relatively recent wave of advertising directed to younger and younger kids ("tweens," the hot new market) is causing some serious issues with eating disorders, depression etc. in girls who shouldn't be thinking about sex at all much less stressing about how "doable " they are. :ohwell
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Adolescent insecurity goes with the territory. As parents, you just can't shield your kids from everything, NOR SHOULD YOU. There is a bit of social hardening off that must occur during those years that creates an exoskeleton against unwanted input and harm. Adolescence needs to make a kid strong before venturing out into the larger world.

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