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You're surprised by this? Honestly?

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Not surprised, just disappointed.

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Be prepared for greater dissapointment in the upcoming months.

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Yeah, I read this earlier. I'm sure it will get worse in the GE, but there remains the possibility that some of the people described here will be able to look beyond race. Obama is smart to downplay it.

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This isn't just a win, this is a serious ass-kickin'. I can never remember a front-runner getting beat this soundly this late in the primaries.

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Strangely, I can answer all of those questions, partially because Obama has already answered them all, some with great frequency. If the GOP doesn't already know the answers, then that points to their own ignorance. Wait, these are rhetorical questions, you say? Questions intended only to smear and raise doubts? Oh, I see: Politics as usual.


Yeah, exactly. So frustrating and yet so predictable. Who cares that he has answers to all those questions, right? You sort of have to tip your cap to the GOP. Using "yes we can" against him? Ugh.


Another brilliant GOP ad was the one a few weeks back in NC with Obama and Wright and exhortations that, like Wright, Obama was "too extreme" for NC. McCain comes out and criticizes the ad for playing up stereotypes and yet will benefit from the "message" it sends. McCain comes out clean for running a campagin on the high ground. They are just better than Dems at this stuff. Playing on people's fears and emotions. In other words, getting elected. :(

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This isn't just a win, this is a serious ass-kickin'. I can never remember a front-runner getting beat this soundly this late in the primaries.


I was surprised myself - that is was like that.

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They are just better than Dems at this stuff. Playing on people's fears and emotions.

Now come on, the Dems are pretty damn good at that too. HRC and BHO have done a good job doing it to each other. It's just a matter of time before they start talking about McCains age........even though that's not cool. Old people need love too.

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They are just better than Dems at this stuff. Playing on people's fears and emotions.

Now come on, the Dems are pretty damn good at that too. HRC and BHO have done a good job doing it to each other. It's just a matter of time before they start talking about McCains age........even though that's not cool. Old people need love too.

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Now come on, the Dems are pretty damn good at that too. HRC and BHO have done a good job doing it to each other. It's just a matter of time before they start talking about McCains age........even though that's not cool. Old people need love too.


But it's different when Democrats do it. For example, global warming really is the apocalypse.

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But it's different when Democrats do it. For example, global warming really is the apocalypse.


I never said the Dems don't play on people's fears. I said Republicans are better at it. For all your complaints about the unproven theory of global warming, what exactly have the Dems succeeded in achieving by their "scare tactics" about global warminig? Last I checked, we haven't ratified the Kyoto protocol/treaty...

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But we banned those nasty incandescent bulbs!

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FYI after the ban takes effect, check out my E-bay store for all you black market 100 watt bulb needs!

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Guest Jules
FYI after the ban takes effect, check out my E-bay store for all you black market 100 watt bulb needs!

That's not really happening, is it? I hate those new fangled bulbs.

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It's happening.

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I never said the Dems don't play on people's fears. I said Republicans are better at it. For all your complaints about the unproven theory of global warming, what exactly have the Dems succeeded in achieving by their "scare tactics" about global warminig? Last I checked, we haven't ratified the Kyoto protocol/treaty...


Earth Day has turned into Earth Month.

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But we banned those nasty incandescent bulbs!



Earth Day has turned into Earth Month.


Yep. That's me. Proud to be a Democrat. Changing the world in useless ways just a little bit every day. :)

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Yep, and along with the endorsement from three former SEC chairmen (one of whom served under Bill Clinton), and the NARAL endorsement, pretty much negates Hillary's WV win.


Maybe Edwards for VP?

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Edwards endorsing Obama :)


Haha, who else would he endorse at this point?


And why did he wait this long? Obama could have used an Edwards endorsement when the nomination was still in doubt. Of course, there was some risk involved for Edwards to come out at that point, so he was quiet. Now Edwards is throwing his hat in the ring? Seems lame to me.


EDIT: I am sure this was purposely timed to take the wind out of the HRC WV sail, but still. Edwards could have endorsed Obama back when it really mattered.

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i think his ties to the Clinton's is what made him wait so long


i think it's more of a "writing on the wall" type endorsement, but it could help Obama in the general somewhat w/ blue collars

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i think his ties to the Clinton's is what made him wait so long


i think it's more of a "writing on the wall" type endorsement, but it could help Obama in the general somewhat w/ blue collars


No, I get it. I dont see how this helps Obama in any way, even with blue collars. Do they really care that Edwards endorsed him? Especially after Edwards hedged his bets for so long? No one actually thinks Edwards endorsed anything other than the guy who is now the presumptive nominee. The only benefit to the Obama campaign (imo) is that it puts him back on the front page and kicks HRC off.

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