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well, i also think that Edwards still may be asked to be VP (should he want it) too, so there's that...

And 19 pledged delgates - that would completely negate the 12 HRC picked up in WV.

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Haha, who else would he endorse at this point?


And why did he wait this long? Obama could have used an Edwards endorsement when the nomination was still in doubt. Of course, there was some risk involved for Edwards to come out at that point, so he was quiet. Now Edwards is throwing his hat in the ring? Seems lame to me.


EDIT: I am sure this was purposely timed to take the wind out of the HRC WV sail, but still. Edwards could have endorsed Obama back when it really mattered.

There's something to be said for the supers holding back until it's a foregone conclusion. Let the voters decide and all that.

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Haha, who else would he endorse at this point?


And why did he wait this long? Obama could have used an Edwards endorsement when the nomination was still in doubt. Of course, there was some risk involved for Edwards to come out at that point, so he was quiet. Now Edwards is throwing his hat in the ring? Seems lame to me.


EDIT: I am sure this was purposely timed to take the wind out of the HRC WV sail, but still. Edwards could have endorsed Obama back when it really mattered.


The timing and even who he endorsed was actually (according to news reports), precipitated by the divisions Edwards saw after seeing that Obama was clearly the front runner, but running into these issues in places like WV. Edwards wants to get the nomination over to bring the party together.


I think this is when the avalanche begins. The knives will be out for Hillary; I think there is not a lot of love for her and the way that she is perceived to be running roughshod over the process, not to mention a chance to stick it to Bill after the 1998-2000 fiasco.


Also, this FL/MI delegate business really reeks of last gasp and her moving the math to suit her is just getting ugly even if it is increasingly irrelevant.

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Mike Dukakis was on the tube tonight (interviewed by John King) giving his ideas on what Obama should do. Good Lord. I couldn't stomach watching all of it.

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Hillary will not stop until she is stopped, either by running out of money (which may not happen because she is rich) or when Obama wins the nomination in Denver. I just don't see her pulling a "for the good of the party" thing, and I'm sure she will continue to a.) push the inclusion of Florida and Michigan, darkly hinting that ignoring those states will hand them to McCain in November and b.) push the whole "Obama can't beat McCain" thing, darkly hinting that Obama can't get "Reagan Democrats" to vote for him. Brace yourself for a brokered convention, kids.

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I really,really hope your wrong Bjornicus. If she takes the low road and sabotages the Dem's chances in November she will shred any political capital she currently has ( future Senate Majority Leader, etc etc) and destroy the Clinton brand forever. As it stands now I don't think that has happened - yet.


I'm hoping all of this is a barganing chip for some kind of a real important spot in the next Administration. The best case scenario (it's probably a pipe dream) is to have this all worked out in advance: Barack offers her the VP slot (to appease her supporters), she politely refuses ( there's no way in hell she would accept imo) and then gets on board to convince those who are thinking about sitting out/voting McCain to get behind Barack.


The interview with Blitzer she did today seemed to support this idea. But it could have all been just bullshitting - who knows?

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I don't believe that for a minute. I think she wants to be pres, and will try to poke as many holes in Obama as possible for a 2012 run.

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I don't believe that for a minute. I think she wants to be pres, and will try to poke as many holes in Obama as possible for a 2012 run.


Come on Bjorn! I know you havent been the most vocal of Anti-Hillary folks around here, but she has been lambasted for doing everything she can to bring Obama down, and now she actually gives an interview to CNN where she says that it would be a "grave error" not to vote for Obama, and instead of being happy, folks don't believe her.


It's crazy how much people really hate her!! I am glad I switched to the Obama team. :)

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Just a quick question for anyone who was a Hillary supporter and is now switching camps, is it because you

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I'm pretty sure Obama will cry when he loses.


The nomination or the general election?

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Guest Jules
Jules must have missed the two elections this week. One of them being in one of the most solid Republican districts in the country. Dont worry Jules. We'll get things running right again.

Thanks for the info. FYI, those were Democratic primaries.

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Illinois..Louisiana..and now northern Mississippi. Hmmm.

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Thanks for the info. FYI, those were Democratic primaries.


I think he's talking about he special elections where Republicans have left their house seats - all going to Dems in solidly red districts.




It happened here when Hastert's seat was up for special election in Feb.

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In that district in Mississippi, Bush got something like 65% of the vote in 2004, yet the Dem dominated the special election, in which the Republican candidate ran a campaign based on trying to link his opponent to Obama and Pelosi. Definately a great sign for the Dems in regards to the mood of the nation come this fall's election.

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Guest Jules
I think he's talking about he special elections where Republicans have left their house seats - all going to Dems in solidly red districts.




It happened here when Hastert's seat was up for special election in Feb.

True. I thought he was talking about the primaries.

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My prediction: Obama gets the nomination, but whether he runs with or without Hil, he loses to McCain in November by a somewhat slim margin. Then in 2010, the Senate and House get a majority of Dems back in.

Yes, I am a skeptic and a cynic.

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