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I'm probably going to write in my vote. I'm not voting for McCain just because I'm republican. He's a shady guy and I think a lot of other republicans would agree with me.


I'm writing in Steven Colbert. ;)

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Guest Jules
I'm probably going to write in my vote. I'm not voting for McCain just because I'm republican. He's a shady guy and I think a lot of other republicans would agree with me.

I don't disagree, but I'll still vote for him.

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I don't disagree, but I'll still vote for him.


I'm just gonna have to wait to see what he has to say when they start the real debating.. The Dem Vs. Rep debates.. Then I'll make my decision.

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Guest Jules
I'm just gonna have to wait to see what he has to say when they start the real debating.. The Dem Vs. Rep debates.. Then I'll make my decision.

I hear you. I actually think McCain will do really well in the debates, but we'll see.

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SOOO much can change as the candidates shift gears from the primaries (where they cater to the base) to the general (where they cater more to the center). IMO it is WAAAAYYYY too early to start calling this one for one candidate or the other. During the primaries, no one thought Bill Clinton had a prayer in a general against HW. But enter Perot and all that changed. Ross Perot may not be running, but another guy with the same initials has the potential to be just as disruptive.

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I am now convinced that McCain will be our next President. Sorry folks.


Obama leads McCain in November match: Reuters poll

By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent

Wed May 21, 7:17 AM ET


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama has opened an 8-point national lead on Republican John McCain as the U.S. presidential rivals turn their focus to a general election race, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.


Obama, who was tied with McCain in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup last month, moved to a 48 percent to 40 percent lead over the Arizona senator in May as he took command of his grueling Democratic presidential duel with rival Hillary Clinton.


The Illinois senator has not yet secured the Democratic presidential nomination to run against McCain in November.


The poll also found Obama expanded his lead over Clinton in the Democratic race to 26 percentage points, doubling his advantage from mid-April as Democrats begin to coalesce around Obama and prepare for the general election battle with McCain.


"Obama has been very resilient, bouncing back from rough periods and doing very well with independent voters," pollster John Zogby said. "The race with McCain is going to be very competitive."


The poll was taken Thursday through Sunday during a period when Obama came under attack from President George W. Bush and McCain for his promise to talk to hostile foreign leaders without preconditions.


Obama's gains followed a month in which he was plagued with a series of campaign controversies and suffered two big losses to Clinton in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.


The poll was conducted after Obama denounced his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who made a series of public appearances that rekindled a controversy over his inflammatory comments on race and religion.


Obama also survived a furor over his comments about "bitter" small-town residents who cling to guns and religion out of frustration over their economic concerns.


Obama edged closer to clinching the Democratic nomination on Tuesday when he split two nominating contests with Clinton, beating the New York senator in Oregon and losing in Kentucky to gain a majority of pledged delegates won in state-by-state nominating contests.


The results put him within easy range of the 2,026 delegates needed for the nomination. Just three Democratic nominating contests remain before voting concludes on June 3.




The poll found Obama was seen as a better steward of the economy than McCain, leading 48 percent to 39 percent. McCain led Obama by 3 points last month on an issue that is certain to be crucial in their campaign.


Obama led McCain among independents, 47 percent to 35 percent, and led among some groups of voters who have backed Clinton during their Democratic primary battle, including Catholics, Jews, union households and voters making less than $35,000 a year.


McCain led among whites, NASCAR fans, and elderly voters. McCain led with voters who believed the United States was on the right track, and Obama led with the much higher percentage of voters who believed it was on the wrong track.


"Clearly voters are looking for change. Every problem Obama has had in consolidating his base and reaching to the center, John McCain has the same sort of problem," Zogby said.


"It's McCain's lead among voters over the age of 65 that is keeping him within shouting distance of Obama," he said.


The poll found Clinton, who has shrugged off calls to quit the Democratic race, tied at 43 percent with McCain in the national poll. She led McCain by 47 percent to 40 percent on who would be the better manager of the economy.


Obama and Clinton have refrained from attacking each other in recent weeks as Obama has turned his focus to McCain.


But Zogby said the attacks on Obama by Bush and McCain, who have been critical of his willingness to talk to leaders of countries like Iran, did not appear to hurt Obama. If anything, he said, it reminded voters of McCain's ties to Bush, whose approval rating is still mired at record lows.


"The president is so unpopular. To inject himself into a presidential campaign does not help John McCain, particularly when McCain is tied to Bush," Zogby said.


The national survey of 516 likely Democratic primary voters had a margin of error of 4.4 percentage points. The poll of the national race between McCain and the two Democratic contenders surveyed 1,076 likely voters with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

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I find the problem with these polls is that it doesn't give you an idea of the electoral votes. Tell me who wins polls in FL, OH, PA and other "swing states." Obama having a national lead means little if his support is concentrated in states that generally don't decide elections.

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SOOO much can change as the candidates shift gears from the primaries (where they cater to the base) to the general (where they cater more to the center). IMO it is WAAAAYYYY too early to start calling this one for one candidate or the other. During the primaries, no one thought Bill Clinton had a prayer in a general against HW. But enter Perot and all that changed. Ross Perot may not be running, but another guy with the same initials has the potential to be just as disruptive.


I believe he is referring to Ron Paul, though I think that if McCain does not choose Huckabee to be his running mate, then it's over for the other key voting block, the evangelicals. They might be inclined to just not vote.


And Ken, your McCain vote in IL is like standing in front of a tsunami.

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Guest Jules
I believe he is referring to Ron Paul, though I think that if McCain does not choose Huckabee to be his running mate, then it's over for the other key voting block, the evangelicals. They might be inclined to just not vote.


And Ken, your McCain vote in IL is like standing in front of a tsunami.

Oh, I know.

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I believe he is referring to Ron Paul, though I think that if McCain does not choose Huckabee to be his running mate, then it's over for the other key voting block, the evangelicals. They might be inclined to just not vote.


And Ken, your McCain vote in IL is like standing in front of a tsunami.


I think there are plenty of other veep candidates that could help mobilize the evangelical bloc, and provide more incentive for the conservative base. It doesn't end with Huckabee. In fact, I think he would be a rather poor choice.

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Why must we continually cater to and appease what is often the most backward- looking/thinking segment of the voter bloc?


Would it be possible to give the evangelicals the Christian Nation they

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...and you knock michael savage for being an extremist prick. nicely done.


Zip it meat eater!

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The same could be said for extremist environmentalists.


I know, those extemist environmentalists have every bit as much voting power and influence as the evangelicals who attend Bush's Prayer Breakfast every morning......

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I know, those extemist environmentalists have every bit as much voting power and influence as the evangelicals who attend Bush's Prayer Breakfast every morning......


The fact that there are fewer of them only makes them better candidates for island isolation (unfortunately not sans mosquitoes since they look down on DDT).

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i'm going to grill/eat a big fucking bloody steak w/ THDW written in Lea & Perrins for dinner tonight.


And I hope you choke on it you fascist pig (that was a joke :thumbup).


The fact that there are fewer of them only makes them better candidates for island isolation (unfortunately not sans mosquitoes since they look down on DDT).


True, though I don't consider myself one, I'd happily live on that island (the DDT bit was genuinly funny :thumbup) - those green eco-chicks are hot and not Coulter-like.

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