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Sly and the Family Stone

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I just received an e-mail from Jam Productions, stating that Sly and the Family Stone will be playing the Vic Theatre in Chicago on May 3rd.


Does anyone know about them touring with Sly? Is he stable? Would he show up? Has anyone seen them in concert in the last year?


I love their music and see Sly as being a hugely influential musician but, would hate to spend 70 bucks and see what would amount to a cover band play their songs.



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Hard to say for sure, but the fact that they're including Sly's name suggests that he'll be there. Other tours without Sly have gone by names like The Family Stone and The Original Family Stone.


According to Wikipedia, Sly did make some brief appearances with The Family Stone in Europe last July.

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Saw them at BB King's in NYC last fall... many folks said other shows were hit-and-miss, with Sly on the stage for a song, then off for 2, then on for 1, etc... but he was in fantastic form at the show we were lucky enough to see, hitting the notes, totally on his game. I feel blessed for having been there. The risk-to-reward ratio is high with seeing them, but if Sly comes through, it's incredibly worth it.

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Does anyone know how many members of the original band will be on this tour? I spoke with someone last night who was at one of those NYC gigs, and he said that while Sly was fried, the band was solid.

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  JerseyMike said:
Don't know if I'd spend the dough to see "No Show" Stone, as he was dubbed in the '70's. I did see some clips from BB Kings and he did sound good, but he is definitely flaky. Too bad, one of the great bands of all-time.



Yeah, although I'd love to see them I think this is a bit of a scam to help Sly get some more money for nose candy.

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  cryptique said:
I'd pay $70 to see Sly perform.


Too bad they're not playing around here. Can't make it to the Chicago show.

If you haven't got them already, there is a box set of all the original albums ('68 - '73) out there for less than $70. A good deal imo.

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