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whenever i think of jakob dylan, all i hear is "one headlight." maybe his solo stuff might change my perception. or maybe not. it must suck to be bob's son sometimes.


me too, but that song does rock.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
I'm not not looking forward to it.


There's a ringing endorsement!


When the first Wallflowers came out, I really enjoyed it. Then I lost the disk. Thought the second album was shite. I've since listened to the original and while it has it's moments, it's pretty lightweight. I just don't see anything special beyond a gross of artists already out there.

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whenever i think of jakob dylan, all i hear is "one headlight." maybe his solo stuff might change my perception. or maybe not. it must suck to be bob's son sometimes.

same here. That song popped into my head the second I saw the thread title

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Guest Jules

The first Wallflowers album still holds up today, although I haven't cared much for the rest.


I have also seen pretty good reviews of this solo album.

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no Wallflowers on this. All acoustic record


it's pretty good, better than the last few he's done

Isn't the Wallflowers his group? Few if any of the original members even play on the later releases. That was my point. I suppose it would be like Jeff doing a solo album.



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the 3 songs I've heard from this album are fantastic! especially "Something Good This Way Comes." I thinks its really amazing that Jakob Dylan has become so big on his own without advertising the fact that Bob Dylan is his dad. that takes real talent.

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I thinks its really amazing that Jakob Dylan has become so big on his own without advertising the fact that Bob Dylan is his dad. that takes real talent.

All the advertising he needs is in his name, what else does he need to do?? (His voice also resembles the old man on his better days as well.)



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>All the advertising he needs is in his name, what else does he need to do??


Well, he also named his band after the title of one of his dad's songs. Next thing he'll do is move to Woodstock and fabricate a motorcycle accident.

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Jacob Dylan has said that Westerberg was a far greater influence on him as a songwriter than his dad ever was. For that alone, I will always give him the benefit of the doubt when releasing something new.

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sorry, didn't specify what I meant in my previous post. Jakob isn't overshadowed by a huge cloud of Bob Dylan. the majority of famous musician's kids who attempt to follow in their parent's footsteps usually get swallowed by the image of their parents, but Jakob has seemed to dodge that and has forged his own path. also, you don't see Bob tooting his son's horn. its almost like he threw Jakob out into the ocean of music and prayed that he could learn to swim in it.

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the 3 songs I've heard from this album are fantastic! especially "Something Good This Way Comes."

He performed that tune on Letterman tonight and it was very impressive imo. I'm looking forward to hearing more of this record.

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>All the advertising he needs is in his name, what else does he need to do??


Well, he also named his band after the title of one of his dad's songs. Next thing he'll do is move to Woodstock and fabricate a motorcycle accident.


You do know that he is 39, don't you?


Four albums with the Wallflowers...


His good cheekbonds and piecring eyes have had more of an impact on his media profile than his lineage.


Musically, I put him on the same tier as Adam Duritz (even though I would have NO interest in a Duritz solo record and am more than moderately interested in Dylan's).

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When I first heard "Something Good This Way Comes" my first thought was, "Jakob Dylan must have beat out Jack Johnson for the Curious George 2 soundtrack."


Trust me, I have 3 kids and a 4th on the way. I know my Curious George soundtrack.

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has anyone checked out this album yet? I picked it up the other day and am very impressed with it. there's a couple of sinkers, or growers, on it but the majority of the tunes are great. "Will It Grow" is such a great song! but now everytime I listen to "Something Good This Way Comes," I think of Curious George...

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Pretty good record. Nothing earth shattering but I really enjoy it.


Also, no big deal, but I read a lot of people here saying that The Wallflowers have four albums, and that Bringing Down the Horse (the one with One Headlight, 6th Ave, 3 Marlenas, etc) is their first album. They actually have 5 albums, their first was self titled and released 4 years prior.


Sorry, kind of a big Wallflowers nerd.

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