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Elliott BROOD - Mountain Meadows

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oh fucking hell this is one great cd.




Instead of the old drawings of the Ambassador bridge from their last album, they included a fake piano roll for Mountain Meadows. Unbelievable and it is now easily the best thing I've heard this year.


Supposedly the whole thing is some concept album about Mormons massacring a wagon train in the 1870s:






Music Feature

Brood out for blood

Death country crew reveals the dark side of Mountain Meadows

Tim Perlich

ELLIOTT BROOD CD release party with CASTLE MUSIC and the JOHN HENRY'S Friday, (June 20) and with the BEAUTIES and JEN CASTLE Saturday (June 21), at the Horseshoe (370 Queen West). $12.50 advance. 416-598-4753. myspace.com/elliott

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I read a book about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I think it was called American Massacre or something to that effect. It's also mentioned a little in Under The Banner of Heaven. I'll definitely have to pick this up.

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I've never heard of them but the fact that it's Canadian and apparently, rootsy, means I should check it out. Always trying to find more Canadiacana to play on my alt-country/folk-rock radio show where I have to play a certain amount of Canadian content due to "the man".

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wow, they made the cover of Exclaim this month.


Great article that also explains the Lethbridge connection




Elliott Brood

Building a History

By Vish Khanna


On September 11, 1857, approximately 120 men, women, and children emigrating from Arkansas to California were slaughtered by an unlikely collective of Mormon militia members and local Native American tribesmen in a part of the Utah territory known as Mountain Meadows. A complex amalgam of political conflict and religious fervency set off the Mormon-led siege upon the Baker-Fancher emigrant party, who were forced into a standoff after camping in the valley during their westward voyage. Fending off their attackers for four days, the Baker-Fancher party surrendered in good faith with the promise of safe passage to nearby Cedar City. After being led a mile away from their wagon corral on foot, however, they were attacked by the Mormons and Natives and only 17 young children were spared, with some sent back home, and others adopted and raised in the Mormon faith. While historical accounts vary and nothing conclusive about the reasoning behind the bloodshed has been determined, this brutal moment in American history is still commemorated as the

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This is a very good record, I'll agree (many thanks to the provider ;) )

It made my bus journey into work a lot more fun, that's for sure.


oh sorry rich, I'm slow on the uptake and should have sent it over. So thanks to whoever did.



I expect TLOBF to go further into 'all Canadian' mode.

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thanks for the heads up on these guys Lizish. How do their other recordings compare to this? I haven't heard much about these guys.


I really love both the previous release - Ambassador and the 1st EP - Tintype.


There are some video samples here that sum everything up:




When I first first heard them, I immediately thought of a satanist 16 horsepower, and the first two releases are kind of like that - less feedback, but still the same screetching voice over banjos and acoustic guitars. I still believe that Ambassador is about growing up in Windsor Ontario and the long history of rum-running across the Detroit River. Probably wrong though.


Mountain Meadows is kinda like watching this good band get impossibly better. Live, they are amazing and I would hate to think of the kinds of foot pedals needed to pull off that sound. It actually reminded me of the one time I saw Husker Du - same kind of wall of feedback put out only by three people and amazingly they seem like they are living in this bizzaro world where Les Paul did not merge pickups and guitars.


The don't seem to tour south of the border - which is kinda strange. Ie they just came back from Australia and it used to be that every weekend they were playing the Brampton to Lethbridge circuit - only stopping at Schuba's once last year. I bugged them about it too, but only got a shrug in response.



I'm getting my ass to the Hillside festival in Guelph later this month. Both the Acorn and Elliott Brood are going to be in attendance - as sort of reunion of their tour together last fall. And the acorn wrote this on EB's Mypace page:


' sexy times at hillside!!!

hold on to your knickers.

xo. rk'


I mean, how could I not go and witness the knicker holding sexy time?

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So I bought Jon Krakauer's 'Under the Banner of Heaven' to try to

understand the context of Mountain Meadows, and since I'm reading more

non-fiction than fiction these days, it really fits in with the summer

reading list.


Hollee crap, I'm 5 chapters in and already 100 or so people have died

violently in the first decade of the LDS. Between this book, that

jack mormon Corb Lund, the Elliott Brood cd and becoming hooked on the first

season of Big Love, I'm really tempted to become a wool undergarment

wearing sister-wife.

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