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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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Damn, I forgot to tivo.

I figured by now they'd make Tivos that are hooked up to teh Internets and can be accessed from your work computer so you can program them to record all the shit you forgot to set up when you were home.


Or maybe they do.


If not, though, they totally should.

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oh god. will my naivete never die! but it seems like years will pass before they even reach the break-even point. especially if they continue to do stuff like digging up papi's shirt for $50,000 on top of what must already be monumental costs. not that i'm worried about them. :)

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I laffed out loud! But is he going to stay involved with ESPN because honestly he's such a freaking prick on tv!

I guess he has more time to do such things. Instead of introducing him as "Sun-Times columnist," he can merely be "out-of-work pain in the arse." He's one of those people where looks aren't deceiving.

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I guess he has more time to do such things. Instead of introducing him as "Sun-Times columnist," he can merely be "out-of-work pain in the arse." He's one of those people where looks aren't deceiving.

ESPN will probably hire him. Maybe they can lock him and Jim Rome in a room together and see who survives.


Better yet, lock them in a room together and then just forget about them.

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Man, I hope the Yankees win it. I don't care for the AL East, but if they don't win it, oooooh, that would be terrible for Yankee Stadium, and, I suppose, for Yankee Nation (if it exists?).



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Besides the Sox winning, not much about baseball makes me impishly grin more than A-Rod getting resoundingly booed and heckled from his home crowd like on Tuesday towards the end of his miserable night. They replayed the booing last night while my dad was over and we couldn't help but chuckle.

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ESPN will probably hire him. Maybe they can lock him and Jim Rome in a room together and see who survives.


Better yet, lock them in a room together and then just forget about them.

Better yet, lock them both in a room with Jim Everett.

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why again are the yanks building a new stadium? i still don't get it.

In New York, money pretty much always trumps sentiment. Look what they did to Penn Station.


Man, I hope the Yankees win it. I don't care for the AL East, but if they don't win it, oooooh, that would be terrible for Yankee Stadium, and, I suppose, for Yankee Nation (if it exists?).

I typically never count the Yankees out, but if they are going to do it, they better start soon.

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I am pretty sure I didn't talk caliber into running home to turn the TiVO on, and yes you can do it online, but we haven't set that up yet, unfortunately. :(


Luckily i have an mlb.com subscription so i can at least listen to the game, but i can't leave the office to get a coke or I'll miss something!

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I used to feel bad for him in NY but after last year and that bullshit he pulled at the end of the season, and choosing to stay with the Yankees, i figure he deserves it.

i still feel bad for him when ny fans boo him (what sort of people do that year after year, anyway?), but i also still can't stand him. now there's a guy who takes himself too seriously. and also what you said.

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Well, he is having another MVP-type season, although he's not going to win it.

he is??? i'd better check his stats again.

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I am pretty sure I didn't talk caliber into running home to turn the TiVO on, and yes you can do it online, but we haven't set that up yet, unfortunately. :(

Dang, there goes my million-dollar idea.


I think of all kinds of cool shit once it's already out in the marketplace.

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Speaking of MVPs, I NEVER thought at the beginning of the season that I'd be thinking of Carlos Delgado as the MVP of the Mets to this point.

Me neither, dude.

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