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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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i really hope the marlins trade hanley ramirez so that fans in cities that attend baseball games can see him more often.


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Yeah, that's a great burn on me since I've gone to 15-20 games a year for the past four years.


But, you know, ignore all of the multitude of reasons why people don't go to games here and just keep regurgitating the bullshit you hear on ESPN.

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Yeah, that's a great burn on me since I've gone to 15-20 games a year for the past four years.


But, you know, ignore all of the multitude of reasons why people don't go to games here and just keep regurgitating the bullshit you hear on ESPN.

Yeah. It ain't like the Dolphins are any good either.

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Yeah, that's a great burn on me since I've gone to 15-20 games a year for the past four years.


But, you know, ignore all of the multitude of reasons why people don't go to games here and just keep regurgitating the bullshit you hear on ESPN.


people don't go to the games was my point.


i do not care about the multitude of reasons because my efforts to mimic your eternal hatred of the mets works better without such details.

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Hanley will be gone soon enough. It's the Marlins, after all.


05/17/08: Signed six-year, $70 million extension. 2008: Near Minimum, 2009: $5.5 million, 2010: $7 million, 2011: $11 million, 2012: $15 million, 2013: $15.5 million, 2014: $16 million, 2015: Free Agent




people don't go to the games was my point.


i do not care about the multitude of reasons because my efforts to mimic your eternal hatred of the mets works better without such details.


Do you call out Red Sox fans everytime they hate on the Yankees?

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Do you call out Red Sox fans everytime they hate on the Yankees?


no. i really do not call much of anyone out on anything.


it was a joke, which i thought you would be able to handle. in retrospect, i am an asshole.

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I'm not that mad. I just overreact when people from outside of Florida criticize our attendance when they don't know a thing about the area or the situation. It's easy to criticize (Hell, if John Kruk can do it, it can't be that hard), but nobody outside of Florida stops to think about why things are the way they are.

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I'm not that mad. I just overreact when people from outside of Florida criticize our attendance when they don't know a thing about the area or the situation. It's easy to criticize (Hell, if John Kruk can do it, it can't be that hard), but nobody outside of Florida stops to think about why things are the way they are.

How many Marlins fans have been lost to alligator attacks? Will the new stadium have anti-gator devices?

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I'm not that mad. I just overreact when people from outside of Florida criticize our attendance when they don't know a thing about the area or the situation. It's easy to criticize (Hell, if John Kruk can do it, it can't be that hard), but nobody outside of Florida stops to think about why things are the way they are.

Why is it that baseball fans in Florida don't attend baseball games in person? Corollary: It being accepted that baseball fans in Florida do not attend baseball games in person, why are there two major league baseball teams in Florida?

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Why is it that baseball fans in Florida don't attend baseball games in person? Corollary: It being accepted that baseball fans in Florida do not attend baseball games in person, why are there two major league baseball teams in Florida?

I live in Rays country. Here people are front runners. People that were wearing Yankees gear earlier this year are wearing Rays gear now. Their attendance is much better but if the Rays have a rough month and miss the playoffs, it'll be back to a half empty stadium

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Well, I recall that summer - I was into watching them battle it out. Why would something like that be posted on the front page of Yahoo all of a sudden? Also, I use to watch baseball - but, I got tired of what was going down with The Pirates, so I hung it up.

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Why is it that baseball fans in Florida don't attend baseball games in person? Corollary: It being accepted that baseball fans in Florida do not attend baseball games in person, why are there two major league baseball teams in Florida?


Much of Florida's population is from out of state. Those that aren't, had their devotions to other teams already. The teams have only been here 14 and 10 years, respectively, it takes time to build fan support. I'd say wait at least another decade before making any final decisions, because the people my age and younger who grew up with the teams will be the main ticket purchasers.


That to me, is the biggest reason. Most other franchises either have traditions to build on or brand spanking new stadiums to draw in fans. The Florida teams have neither. The Marlins are 5th in the league in TV ratings, so the interest is there.


It's also fucking miserable to be at a game from about May-October, because even at night, it is 85 degrees and muggy. ESPN always makes a big deal about these Wednesday day games that draw > 1,000 people, but when it's a noon start, it's 95 degrees with no breeze (it's a giant football stadium that blocks the wind down low) and it is humid as a jungle. Those aren't the types of conditions that even Red Sox fans would want to sit through.


We just won a big victory for the stadium development today, and the ball is going to get rolling for Opening Day 2011 at the Orange Bowl, and I would expect attendance to increase dramatically when that happens, especially with the young, competitive team we have and the young stars coming up.

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Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Jeri Beth Cohen ruled Tuesday that building a ballpark for the Florida Marlins serves a public purpose -- a significant victory for the team and local government in their quest to bring a new stadium to South Florida.


''The court is well aware that the building of the Marlins stadium is a contentious and emotional issue in Miami-Dade County,'' the judge wrote in the 41-page ruling.


''The court is also aware that the citizens of the county are passionately committed to their respective beliefs regarding the wisdom of building the stadium with public monies. Moreover, the court is well aware that more citizens may be opposed to the building of the stadium, even to retain the Marlins in Miami, than in favor of building the stadium,'' the judge noted.


``These considerations, however, may not sway this court. The job of this court is to examine the facts and apply those facts to the law.''


She said the law backs that stadiums serve a public purpose.


The decision means six of auto dealer Norman Braman's seven lawsuit counts trying to topple the deal have now been tossed.


The sole issue remaining, however, is significant: A decision on whether the county is spending money legally on the new stadium. Cohen has yet to decide that question.





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2.5 games!

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