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MLB 2008 Part 3, Take 2

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Man, the last week or so is what the Marlins should've been doing since the beginning of July. I still feel this run is too little too late, but man, with the offense and pitching clicking, they are making it interesting.


Man, it's absurd to even talk about this, but.


bobbob1313: From where we started this streak: 73-72 8.0 GB

bobbob1313: Through 145 games last season, the Rockies were 76-69. 6 GB.

Random marlins fan: nifty

bobbob1313: They finished 14-4.

bobbob1313: So we just need to go 8-4 to tie them over the last 12 to tie them over that stretch...

bobbob1313: Hey. They were 5.5 back after 151 games. we're 6 back after tonight with 3 against each team ahead of us...


Only 5 back of the Mets for the WC.


To go further, we've got one more against Houston, who is just reeling emotionally and physically and can't really be focussed on baseball.


Then 3 against Philadelphia at home. If we win 2/3 there, we can be at 82-73 going into the final week.


1 against Cincy, 3 against Washington. Not inconcievable that they can go 3-1 there. 85-74.

Then we close the season with 3 at Shea.


For this series to matter, the Mets will have to trip up. Not probable, but not inconcievable.


1 against Washingon, which I'll give them. 3 in Atlanta, where Atlanta has been pretty good all year. Best case for the Marlins is a sweep, more likely, 1-2. 86-69.


Then here's where it gets interesting. 4 games against the best team in the NL. I'd say realistically, the Cubs should win 2. If the Mets can take more than 2 there, then the final weekend won't matter a lick for the Marlins (unless the Phillies absolutely collapse).


But if everything I say up above goes like I say, and my math is right, and the Mets only win 2 against the Cubs, the Marlins could be in a position to have a huge series there at the end. Sweep the Mets (like they did last year in the final series of the season @ Shea) and you are in (Assuming Miluwakee and Houston keep sliding).


Sure, there's a lot of ifs, but we look awesome right now, our streaky hitting is streaking and our awesome pitching is awesoming. It's the longest of long shots ever, but I'm allowing myself to get a little excited...

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They haven't really played very much with the line-up that was projected at the start of the year, mainly do to injuries but also due partially to suckage (and then later to the Pudge trade). The bottom half of the order really isn't all that impressive right now (Sheffield-Renteria-Rayburn-Inge-Ryan). The top part of the order (Granderson-Polanco-Ordonez-Cabrera) is probably as good as anyone's but the rest of the order just fell apart this year, with Guillen getting hurt, the lack of a real left fielder (though I think Joyce will be good enough next year to really deserve the starting job), Renteria and Sheffield being awful, and Pudge wanting out. It wouldn't surprise me if those Granderson-Polanco-Ordonez-Cabrera-Guillen are the only ones from the opening day starting line-up back next year, and there are question marks about whether Guillen and Ordonez will in fact be back. Pitching was the main reason the Tigers sucked this year though -- no, they didn't have the 1,000 run offense that some predicted but they scored enough runs to be a playoff team if their pitching wasn't so awful all year. I still like the young core of this team (Granderson, Cabrera, Verlander, Gallaraga) but they really have a lot of work to do in fixing the bullpen and the middle infield, and finding a catcher. With all of the high hopes before this season, at this point they're probably back to being 2-3 years away from being really strong contenders again.


Anyway, the real reason I came by here this morning was to welcome Freddy Garcia to Detroit. I hope he can keep his shit together long enough to be a moderately serviceable #4 or 5 starter in 2009.

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I'm eagerly awaiting the Baltimore 2012 schedule, myself. That'll be our year! (to break .500)

awwwwwwwww. but: :lol

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awwwwwwwww. but: :lol

I like this:



Strangely, I'm not all that disheartened. The freedom of low expectations, I guess. My wife got me tickets to an O's game in August for my b-day--it was my first time back in Camden Yards since--well, since they were good. Brought the kids. Gorgeous night, and a relatively good fan turnout. The O's won something like 9-0. If I closed my eyes, it was almost like the good ol' days.


Then they went on to lose something like a million games in a row after that. Seriously, why can't this team ever at least close out the season with some dignity intact? Oh well, I'm reading good things about the farm system for the first time in years. That 2012 prediction might not be so far off. :dancing

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nice birthday! and nice pic -- or apt, anyway. but look at those rays. if they can pull this off after too many years in the cellar, surely the Os' turn for a good season can't be too long away. some of us red sox fans still don't know how to behave like non-chronic-underdogs after the two series; it's weird, sort of like someone stops kicking the wind out of you and hands you a lollipop, and you can't figure out if it's safe to get up or not. good luck for 2012 -- hey, that'll be just in time for another election year! yippee! :frusty

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from tampabay.com:


When Sciesinski was apprehended on the top of the Rays dugout, the game stopped - and both the Rays and Red Sox took notice.


"He got tattooed," Red Sox slugger David Ortiz said. "Holy god, that was a big dude, man. He had a lot of policemen all over him.


"When you come to baseball games, it's something you’re supposed to enjoy. You don’t want to be acting stupid. You got kids around and things like that, so you want to make sure you behave."


- - - - - - - -


Ortiz is calling this guy a "big dude"? :lol

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Ortiz is calling this guy a "big dude"? :lol

I thought that was funny.


You gotta give this guy credit. According to police, he cheered for the Red Sox all the way to the police station.

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It seems like fan idiocy in the form of what that guy did, running onto the field, etc. is waaaay down since they stopped airing the bone heads on t.v. This is, of course, good.


Lesson for the general media? I doubt it.

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Manny still cracks me up.



"I mentioned a day off to Manny [Ramirez] and he said he doesn't need a day off and that was the end of that conversation," said Dodgers manager Torre, who earlier said he hoped to give Thursday's game off for Ramirez, who hasn't missed a game since his July 31 acquisition. "We'll keep playing him, and if we continue to win, we'll deal with it later."


Ramirez, a free agent after this season, confirmed he doesn't need a rest.


'I'm Cal Ripken,' he said." -- 9.17.08, MLB.com

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Manny still cracks me up.


"I mentioned a day off to Manny [Ramirez] and he said he doesn't need a day off and that was the end of that conversation," said Dodgers manager Torre, who earlier said he hoped to give Thursday's game off for Ramirez, who hasn't missed a game since his July 31 acquisition. "We'll keep playing him, and if we continue to win, we'll deal with it later."


Ramirez, a free agent after this season, confirmed he doesn't need a rest.


'I'm Cal Ripken,' he said." -- 9.17.08, MLB.com

He sure made a fast recovery from all of those nagging injuries he had earleir in the season.

Curt Schilling's take on Manny is interesting. As always with Schilling, consider the source ...

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Curt Schilling's take on Manny is interesting. As always with Schilling, consider the source ...

That was a really entertaining phonecall from Curt in a car. Not sure what you mean by "consider the source" when it comes to Schilling though...he talks a lot, but when it comes to the game, it's never bs. Right?

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That was a really entertaining phonecall from Curt in a car. Not sure what you mean by "consider the source" when it comes to Schilling though...he talks a lot, but when it comes to the game, it's never bs. Right?

Some folks think it's inane for Schilling to feel the need to call in, unasked, just to spew about Manny's hindrance while with BOS. I, personally, find it amusing but I know plenty of folks who think it's just Schilling seeking some attention.


Schilling talks to much, perhaps, but you'll get his honest take on whatever it is.

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I was listening to the show and before Schilling it was like 30 minutes straight of people calling whining about B's lack of Manny and Lou Merloni and Brian Daubach in the studio kind of countering that. When Schilling called it was a breath of fresh air - you could tell he was just fed up with the calls.

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I was listening to the show and before Schilling it was like 30 minutes straight of people calling whining about B's lack of Manny and Lou Merloni and Brian Daubach in the studio kind of countering that. When Schilling called it was a breath of fresh air - you could tell he was just fed up with the calls.

That's cool. People carping about Schilling calling in make it seem like he did so out of the blue and the talk was on something other than Manny to start with. I find it interesting what Schilling says about Manny's clubhouse presence (and here's B2s opportunity to discredit the impact of clubhouse presence) affecting the team negatively. It's what was suspected by most fans and Schilling, though certainly not revealing any particulars, sheds a little light on that. So what?


I guess the main gripe out there is "what's the point?" Well, maybe there is no point but it's still a bit interesting, eh?

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