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The "society, media and gay people" thread

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There was a study done a while ago and I don't remember who did it or anything to be able to find a link to it. But, basically they hooked straight men up to something that measured their state of arousal and then had them watch gay porn. The homophobes were the ones who were the most aroused.


I feel bad for people who feel that they can't come out. I wish people were more accepting.


That's one thing that my kids will never have to worry about. I don't care if they come to me and say they're gay or pregnant or whatever, I'm still going to do what I can to support them.

While I believe such a study actually exists, I'd like to see the link. It would support my completely layman theory. Homophobes always talk about homosexuality being a choice. Clearly, these people must have personally made a choice themselves. I think there's a spectrum of sexual preference and most people lean heterosexual. Homophobes who are heterosexual (even late at night, when they think no one else is watching, Sen. Craig) probably have chosen heterosexuality.

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Bob Barr wrote it and it passed both houses very easily and was signed by Clinton. I can only guess that your response to these facts will be that this is an example of religious dogma permeating all levels of our government. I see it as a more complex issue relating to history, the ability of individual states to set their own laws, with some personal or religious belief thrown in.


You continue to downplay the religious aspect of its passage, but I

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While I believe such a study actually exists, I'd like to see the link. It would support my completely layman theory. Homophobes always talk about homosexuality being a choice. Clearly, these people must have personally made a choice themselves. I think there's a spectrum of sexual preference and most people lean heterosexual. Homophobes who are heterosexual (even late at night, when they think no one else is watching, Sen. Craig) probably have chosen heterosexuality.


Here's a link to the study. You have to love the power of Google...



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The Six Bible Passages Used To Condemn Homosexuals


When you do a google search, a lot of links come up, actually several million. The link above containes some essays on how the passages most people quote have been wrongly interpreted to condemn homosexuals.


I am far removed from the religious training I went through as a child and pre-teen, (and yes, I have seen people speak in tongues) so I do not recall if the above information makes sense, or if the guy is just another person putting a spin on things. I suppose those who practice certain religious beliefs could say that his findings are wrong. It

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Wait, homosexuality is not a sin? Somebody better tell the Southen Baptist Association, then.


It is a sin, just not one of the ten big ones. It's right there in the levitical codes right along side masturbation, eating shellfish, eating pork and an almost unnavigable set of rules for women and their periods.

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Also, my dad once tried to tell me this story he'd heard on the radio about some guy who claimed he'd had an affair with Clay Aiken. But he kept insisting that the story was about Claude Akins, so I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about. Then later, he told my sister the same story, but he said that it was Troy Aikman.

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Also, my dad once tried to tell me this story he'd heard on the radio about some guy who claimed he'd had an affair with Clay Aiken. But he kept insisting that the story was about Claude Akins, so I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about. Then later, he told my sister the same story, but he said that it was Troy Aikman.



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Also, my dad once tried to tell me this story he'd heard on the radio about some guy who claimed he'd had an affair with Clay Aiken. But he kept insisting that the story was about Claude Akins, so I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about. Then later, he told my sister the same story, but he said that it was Troy Aikman.

I bet your Dad is the hit of your family functions. :lol

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...which is hilarious, because football players slap each other's asses a lot and tend to find themselves piled up on top of each other.

Not to mention a seeming correlation between football teams and sodomy. (See, Las Vegas, N.M.)

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Also, my dad once tried to tell me this story he'd heard on the radio about some guy who claimed he'd had an affair with Clay Aiken. But he kept insisting that the story was about Claude Akins, so I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about. Then later, he told my sister the same story, but he said that it was Troy Aikman.

Awe. Some.

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