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New Springsteen Jan 27th

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You're right. I need to keep listening. Just used to a little more depth, I guess.


So... you're the other guy who skipped Magic and The Rising and Devils and Dust, then?


Bruce hasn't made a great album since '87, folks... haven't heard this one yet, since I'm fucking obsessed with Matt Ward's new one, but I'll get around to it whenever and offer my thoughts.

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I listened to it last night - it did not do anything for me. He pretty much stops with Nebraska for me.


There are a few songs I like after that - One Step Up, Human Touch, If I Should Fall Behind, Straight Time, Let's Be Friends (Skin to Skin). The last one I bought was Devils & Dust - which won't play in my computer's cd player.

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I listened to it last night - it did not do anything for me. He pretty much stops with Nebraska for me.


There are a few songs I like after that - One Step Up, Human Touch, If I Should Fall Behind, Straight Time, Let's Be Friends (Skin to Skin). The last one I bought was Devils & Dust - which won't play in my computer's cd player.


I'm pretty much on the same page with you.


The songs of Born in the USA are good, but the production is awful. Pretty much sums it up for all of the 80's and 90's stuff.


The Rising is...meh...too long.


Magic's pretty good.


Devils and Dust is pretty solid too.

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Tell me "Outlaw Pete" won't be amazing live. Not sure why some are dissing that one.


Whether you love or hate the disc, you have to admit it's the strangest album he's made. That's gotta account for something in Bruce-world. It's 100x more interesting than "Magic" was/is.

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Tell me "Outlaw Pete" won't be amazing live. Not sure why some are dissing that one.


Whether you love or hate the disc, you have to admit it's the strangest album he's made. That's gotta account for something in Bruce-world. It's 100x more interesting than "Magic" was/is.



Yeah, I'd agree. It's got some highs (Outlaw Pete, The Last Carnival), but the lows are lower than most of his releases.....


At least that's what I think.



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"Queen of the Supermarket" is fucking stupid. Not even Bruce dropping an f bomb can save it.


while a lot of the lyrics (they're totally tongue in cheek btw) are really dumb, i totally LOVE that line:


"I turn back for a moment and catch her smile and it blows this whole fucking place apart".




plus the second half of that song kills musically


Bruce has ALWAYS had a pretty big element of cheese to his music & lyrics, this is nothing new.

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lots of good chat about this song on backkstreets.com


I think Kyle said it best, we tend to forget about the cheese

factor in Bruce's music.


I still think this is better than Magic, you agree Kyle ?

totally... other than maybe 3-4 songs, Magic never clicked with me at all... i like this new one all the way through minus 2-3 songs...


way way better than Magic for me. like i said above, it's a total mixed bag... maybe the most varied Bruce album to date, but somehow it works for me.


is it amazing? no... am i excited to see a handful of these songs on the upcoming tour? you bet.


i'd say it's a solid 3.5/5 record

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i'd argue The Wrestler is near Terry's Song quality in terms of solo songs...


The Wrestler is about the only listenable song on here.


"There's a wonderful world where all you desire

And everything you've longed for is at your fingertips

Where the bittersweet taste of life is at your lips

Where aisles and aisles of dreams await you

And the cool promise of ecstasy fills the air

At the end of each working day she's waiting there


I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

As the evening sky turns blue

A dream awaits in aisle number two


With my shopping cart I move through the heart

Of a sea of fools so blissfully unaware

That they're in the presence of something wonderful and rare

The way she moves behind the counter

Beneath her white apron her secret remains hers

As she bags the groceries her eyes so bored

And sure she's unobserved


I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

There's nothing I can say

Each night I take my groceries and I drift away

And I drift away


Items from my ???

At night I pray for the strength to tell her

When I love I love I love I love her so

Take my place in the check-out line

For one moment her eyes meet mine

I'm lifted up, lifted up, lifted up, lifted up


I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

Though her company cap covers her hair

Nothing can hide the beauty waiting there

The beauty waiting there


I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket


As I lift my groceries in to my car

I turn back for a moment and catch a smile

That blows this whole fucking place apart


I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket

I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket



I concede he's always been a little cheesy, but I hate him for this.

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guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree on this record...


honestly was surprised how much i enjoyed it, as 2 of those first 4 songs released were pretty poor, but thankfully wound up being my least faves on the record for the most part.

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