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Illinois Gov Arrested this AM

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Told by two other advisers he has to "suck it up" for two years, the FBI says it heard Blagojevich complain he has to give this "motherf***er [the president-elect] his senator. F*** him. For nothing? F*** him."


The governor is heard saying he will pick another candidate "before I just give f***ing [senate Candidate l] a f***ing Senate seat and I don't get anything."

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Did any of these articles state whether or not he still has the power to declare Barack's successor? Depending on how not classy he is, he can still use his governor powers, right? Maybe he'll tell the judge that he'll appoint him senator if the judge lets him go.


I think he still has all the privledges and powers of the office as long as he is Guv regardless of the indictment. That is why I would expect an impeachment fairly quickly, there are already calls otu there to begin proceedings. I would also expect any impeachment to be fairly quick and bi-partisan, i'd bet they could be done with it before the weeklend if they put their minds to it. The only thing that could hold it up would be if impeachment is procedurally cumbersome.

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I think he still has all the privledges and powers of the office as long as he is Guv regardless of the indictment. That is why I would expect an impeachment fairly quickly, there are already calls otu there to begin proceedings. I would also expect any impeachment to be fairly quick and bi-partisan, i'd bet they could be done with it before the weeklend if they put their minds to it. The only thing that could hold it up would be if impeachment is procedurally cumbersome.


You mean like Emil Jones refusing to call a vote in the Senate like he did with the recall measure to get his pay raise?

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After watching Detroit politics implode under multiple mayoral corruption scandals*, it's refreshing to see it happen somewhere else ... and at the state level.




* - I think they've only scratched the surface of all the twisted shit Kwame Kilpatrick was mixed up in.

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OK. I've scanned the tube on this thing for a news cycle. I was somewhat aware of the troubles of this guy, but if the allegations turn out to be true... it's truly a mind blower. Is it a case of gargantuan-sized cojones, bat-shit insanity, or both?

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OK. I've scanned the tube on this thing for a news cycle. I was somewhat aware of the troubles of this guy, but if the allegations turn out to be true... it's truly a mind blower. Is it a case of gargantuan-sized cojones, bat-shit insanity, or both?



Well, MB, here is a blog about this guys astrology that seems to answer your question. :pirate





fascinating stuff: "His faith in himself as well as his sense of personal protection from harm is often so ingrained that he may be willing and eager to attempt anything, disregarding impossible odds, in order to fulfill his goals and objectives."


Of course I think Louie B summed it up with the Daley's using power vs money. It seems to me that the union/power thing has always been the "way it works" in Chicago. (Which is my current favorite city to visit by the way!) I remember there always being roads under construction even if they had just been redone being explained as "political pay back for the unions" during the 80's in Chicago.

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I voted for the douchebag twice as well -- but the last time (2006) was only so whoever became the dem nominee would have help here in IL. I had no idea that it would be Obama and that he would basically ostracize Blago. Thank God.


Next time, I will not be so cowed. Blago has done little for the state besides giving senior citizen free access to public transportation, though you could argue that it is not good for the transportation system.

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I lived in California for a lot of Blagojevich's term, and I had Illinois friends make fun of us electing Arnold for governor. Yesterday, my California friends contacted me to make fun of my Illinois governor.




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I voted for the douchebag twice as well -- but the last time (2006) was only so whoever became the dem nominee would have help here in IL. I had no idea that it would be Obama and that he would basically ostracize Blago. Thank God.


Next time, I will not be so cowed. Blago has done little for the state besides giving senior citizen free access to public transportation, though you could argue that it is not good for the transportation system.

He was a big backer of KidCare, which was a big deal for me personally and is still a big deal to me ideologically.

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There is no doubt in my mind that Obama had less than zero to do with this mess, but he simply doesn't need this distraction at this time


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Two things I have to say: I finally know how that dude's name is pronounced, and I am glad Eliot Spitzer is no longer The Stupidest Governor in America.

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