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A suggestion for the board moderators

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23 members have voted

  1. 1. So, would you?

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Something like this (from another board that I frequent):



Board members can both add albums and rate them, to create a ROLLING "VC's Greatest Albums" feature.


Just a thought.

Any support?

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i thought you were pushing a vc edible album chart, which i fully support.


I am.

And, that's cool that you are.


I'm in! What do I do?


The mods have to set it up first. Then, you add albums that you'd like to see rated by the rest of us, and rate albums added by others.

Makes for a permanent, rolling, editable VC "top albums" chart.

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I'm all for it but what does this have to do with mods?



Topic title fixed for the smartasses.


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You should make this a poll; then you will have tangible evidence of the exisiting support or lack thereof for your suggestion previously stated in the initial post of this here darn thread.


I will vote in the affirmative if such a course of action is undertaken.

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my favorite way to discover new music is by checking out the NP thread or other threads that pop up. I have no idea how what you are suggesting works, but if it's another way for me to discover new stuff, I am all for it.

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my favorite way to discover new music is by checking out the NP thread or other threads that pop up. I have no idea how what you are suggesting works, but if it's another way for me to discover new stuff, I am all for it.


I check out the NP: thread, too. Love it.

And, if you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, check out the link in the first post.


And, mf: there is the poll. Vote away!

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I voted yes. So does it just average everybody's ratings I assume or is there some other fancy math going on? If I say an album is a 10 and the next guy votes it a 1 it becomes a 5 on the list?

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I voted yes. So does it just average everybody's ratings I assume or is there some other fancy math going on? If I say an album is a 10 and the next guy votes it a 1 it becomes a 5 on the list?


It averages everyone's ratings, so yes... the 10 + 1 = 5 math is correct.


And, you are not going crazy, I just added the poll.

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I was just looking through that list....putting Cass McCombs albums at the top of the list is extremely surprising to me, since they would top my list of most boring bands I've ever seen. Incredibly nice people, but SO boring.

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Not sure, but maybe 1 is the bottom instead of 0.


In that case a 10 and a 2 would have to be a 5.5, and not a 6 because if a one and a ten generated a 5 and a 2 and a ten generated a 6, then every number above one would hold a higher value even though the numerical unit between each number would be 1. It wouldn't make any sense. Kind of like this post.

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Why are so many of the albums "9's" with only 1 vote? It seems about as helpful as the amazon.com star ratings on albums (which is not very). It also seems like a massive time-waster to me and not really that informative.


I'm clearly in the minority here, but I voted no. I'm just not interested in this kind of thing. Because I don't really like rating albums in the first place. I would rather read verbal reviews of why VC'ers like a particular record (like what happens in the NP thread), not statistical averages.



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Why are so many of the albums "9's" with only 1 vote? It seems about as helpful as the amazon.com star ratings on albums (which is not very). It also seems like a massive time-waster to me and not really that informative.


I'm clearly in the minority here, but I voted no. I'm just not interested in this kind of thing. Because I don't really like rating albums in the first place. I would rather read verbal reviews of why VC'ers like a particular record (like what happens in the NP thread), not statistical averages.




It's just a snapshot of board tastes -- a quick hit.


And the 9's at the top, are only because one person has rated them. As more people rate the record, higher or lower, the album will rise or drop in the charts. And, you can click through to see who the people are who rated each album and what their rating was for each. Gives a good idea of which albums you may like and a quick look as to who on the board you share tastes with.

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