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The Felice Brothers - Yonder Is The Clock

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There's a new Felice Brothers album out on April 7th. Loved the previous two but wasn't aware of the new record until I saw it reviewed in Uncut today. It's their album of the month (Five stars) with comparisons to Dylan and Springsteen and sounds like Tom Wait's Mule Variations. I've not read a album review as glowing as this one for a long time.


There's also a review of 'Ashes of American Flags' DVD in Uncut this month. They give it four out of five. "A portrait of a band finding their peak'. "A quiet triumph, and a beautiful document of a confident moment on the life of Wilco".

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I like their stuff well enough but they are certainly far from unmissable for me. Review sounds good though and Uncut have rarely steered me wrong. Except with that Animal Collective wankery.

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I saw them a couple times over the weekend at SXSW. They're still monstrous live, but were missing the drummer/vocalist Simone Felice, which was quite the bummer.


They're derivative as all hell, but their energy live makes them great fun - they're a can't-miss show for me.

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Just been listening to the 'Tonight At The Arizona' album. The line 'Powder your nose, pull off your panty-hose, let me love you from behind my darlin' from 'The Ballad of Lou The Welterweight' is a beautiful lyric! ;) Great album.

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  Hollinger. said:
Ok, I've never really gotten into these guys, but this is fantastic. Thanks for the heads up, cre


No prob. I'm with you..wasn't in to them...but saw them open for DBT and North Mississippi All Stars, and got really interested....I think this one's gonna be good.

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I love the FB's.


A few weeks back I caught them when they opened for Old Crow.

They played a great set then joiined OCMS for probably 4-6 songs

to end the night. One of the best nights of music I had seen in a long time.


I read somewhere recently (Oh yea, off bt etree) that Simone Felice had

left the band to do another project. Does anyone know the truth?


He is a great showman as well drummer.


BT ETREE Show with a few SEEDers Still Open

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brief set this morning at world cafe live ... they were ok ... a few of the songs really, really dragged ... the uptempo tunes were fun ... the guitar player has the rick danko thing down pat ... these guys have really studied the band ... ok stuff & the new record was on sale ... i picked it up and will give 'em a shot, but live they were underwhelming


loved marianne faithful's set

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  hardwood floor said:
brief set this morning at world cafe live ... they were ok ... a few of the songs really, really dragged ... the uptempo tunes were fun ... the guitar player has the rick danko thing down pat ... these guys have really studied the band ... ok stuff & the new record was on sale ... i picked it up and will give 'em a shot, but live they were underwhelming


loved marianne faithful's set


by the way ... marc ribot is playing with marianne faithful now ... the guy is flat-out astonishing

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  • 2 weeks later...

I loved about 60 to 70 % of the last album. I'm not one to typically provide YouTube links, but here's a pretty good one of "Frankie's Gun."


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I believe the drummer is probably off doing something with his book.


I like the album, some good songs, some filler, but I certainly don't think that it deserves 5 stars from Uncut or any other magazine.

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  DawgSong said:
I read somewhere recently (Oh yea, off bt etree) that Simone Felice had

left the band to do another project. Does anyone know the truth?


He is a great showman as well drummer.


last week's myspace bulletin from Simone:



April 3, 2009 - Friday


An open letter from Simone Felice


Dear Friends and Family, this is just a little note to show my deepest gratitude for all the letters and concern I've received over my absence from The Felice Brothers stage over the past few months, and for the boundless love and belief you've shown for our music over the years.


This winter has been a time of tragedy, sadness, and regeneration in my life. I'd been working on a new book and recording some songs with my dear old friend Robert close to home in the Catskill Mountains and my long time love and I were expecting our first child. Then in late January out of the blue we lost our baby girl and it really broke my heart and turned my world inside out. In the process of mourning it helped a lot to turn some of the sorrow and revelation into songs and after a while I came back to Robert and I's cabin/studio to put them down and to finish the other recordings we started.


I've been writing a lot this past year, and seeing as my role in the band was always more of a supportive one (helping with lyrics, drumming, harmonies and the occasional lead vocal) I've been compelled to find a vehicle that would help me be able to share all these new songs and stories. So I hope you like The Duke & The King, the songs mean a lot to us, being as they are, after all, the soundtrack of a long fateful winter. We'll be playing a handful of debut shows come spring, and I'll be working on finishing the novel and spending more time close to home. The boys have a couple great drummers working with them now (chief among them our close friend Jeremy 'The Searcher' who's produced all our records and was one of my most important drum teachers in the long ago, and Dave, an awesome young hitter who I've had the privilege of working with this spring to pass on some of the stank codes of our tradition), and they all have a very strong and dynamite vision of how to carry the music and poetry we've all made together into the future. I'll be making special appearances at Felice shows from time to time to share the stage with my brothers as they support 'Yonder Is The Clock' (our proudest effort to date) and beyond, something I look forward to with an earnest and warm heart.


It's very nice that I can be candid in sharing these heavy life changes with you guys, though the comfort I feel in doing so is no surprise considering how loving and supportive you've been in helping us build this big old crazy family together, a family as sacred as it is rowdy! Please know that it really is you all who've made this never-ending story of ours possible, and that this knowledge has never and will never be lost on me.


All my love and a thousand thanks always, Simone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Picked this album up yesterday and I must say its a bit disapointing. I have given it two or three listens and it is really doing nothing for me. After reading the review in Uncut I was (foolishly) expecting something really special. If you beleived that review this new album was as good as the 'Basement Tapes' or 'Musc From Big Pink'!!. I think that as The Felice Brothers have a silimar sound to Dylan and the band, and Uncut love Bob Dylan very much, it must follow that they would rave about this album. It doesn't have the standout songs that the previous two records had. Maybe its a grower.


Ironically, some of the songs wouldn't sound out of place on 'Together Through Life', with the accordian and rough vocals.

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Ditto for me on "Yonder." I really loved the last album, but after a few listens I'm just about ready to call it a day on this. To many slow, meandering tunes for my taste. I'd still like to catch them live however.

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  • 5 months later...

I just discovered this band, and I have to say that it's kind of freaking me out. I can almost picture these guys in a pink house. In a way, I love it, and in a way, it disgusts me. I mean, this is just an unabashed ripoff!! And it's not bad! They got the right vibe, that's for sure.

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