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Rock n' roll nihlists

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My list begins thusly:

Sid Vicious

Peter Laughner

Ian Curtis

Darby Crash

G.G. Allin (although his was of a comedic variety)

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Johnny Rotten?


GG was comedic?


Yes. Because he was so damn over-the-top that you had to laugh, even while you ducked and cowered.

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Nick Cave (?)


I was on the fence about him, too.

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Yeah. That and a lot of the Birthday Party stuff.

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Lou Reed?


Pre-S/T Velvets, I think yes.

And, maybe some solo John Cale, too. ("Gun")

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After watching DiG! Friday night, I must most vehemently put forward the name of Anton A. Newcombe. Nihilist, batshit crazy and a musical genuis.

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My list begins thusly:

Sid Vicious

Peter Laughner

Ian Curtis

Darby Crash

G.G. Allin (although his was of a comedic variety)


Making a mix tape of Rock and Roll Nihilists? I can't imagine that this will ultimately be a very pleasant task. Nihilism is, at best, bleak and despairing. Songs about life being without meaning, purpose or intrinsic value are hardly party hardy events.

The pointless of existence may make for good literature, but I don't think I could stand 70minutes of really Nihilistic songs.


Looking at the despair enherent in Nihilism, I think Ian Curtis best fits you model (from your list).

After consideration, I have the following comments:

Suicide and bad endings are pretty good signs an artist has no hope in the prospects of life.

Sid Vicious was nothing but a comedy act. I think a lot of early Punk rockers wanted to be nihilistic. But mostly, they were bored middle/working class kids with an axe to grind.

Kurt Cobain.

Ian Curtis

A. A. Newcombe

Peter Laughner a good choice

Lou Reed most definitely (see the Blue Mask)

I think Trent Reznor writes as though he wishes he had enough gravitas to be nihilistic. That's not fair...he has some pretty nihilisitic songs.

Darby Crash (although I'm not entirely convinced he was not that nihilistic but rather anarchistic.)

And...if truth be told, Jeff Tweedy approaches Nihlism in the bleaker moments of Summerteeth and Being There. But his despair is not of the soul destroying kind...lucky for him.

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