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Shooting the Bottle Rockets...

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I didn't talk about this before it happened, but figure I will give it a go now.


Last Saturday I was lucky enough to be involved in a video shoot of a Bottle Rockets show at the High Dive in Champaign. John Boston of WhiskeyBender Productions (who has worked extensively with GloNo for awhile) was asked to produce a DVD of the show, which included interviews with the band members. I have been following the BoRox for 15 years and I jumped at the chance to help be part of this shoot.


Most people here know a thing or two about the Bottle Rockets, a band that developed after Uncle Tupelo blew up and who's members were part of the same music scene centered around St. Louis as when Jeff was coming up. Brian Henneman is a triple threat himself, being a writer, guitarist and singer, who has continued to be a working musician all this time, despite lack of fame and fortune. The Bottle Rockets have been on any number of labels including a stint with Atlantic, none of which has sold that many copies. Lately they have landed on Bloodshot and put out a couple good albums on that label. This late summer they have another album coming out, that may be there best effort in many years. It covers alot of the same territory their work always does, small town life, concerns of working people, love found and lost, and the alienation that occurs in both every day life and long term relationships. Brian is something of an old school writer and musician, playing songs that tell stories and try and communicate something in the lyrics of the songs, as well as play somewhat raucous rock and roll; the current band is amazingly tight and fun to watch.


Anyway we convened at the club Saturday moring, John, Carlos, Jude, Rosie and I and set up for the interviews. Brian was up first and we could have taped him for hours, since he has a great way about him and he has alot to say considering he has been on the road alot and seen alot of interesting things. He described his musical development and what his influences. After about 45 minutes we had to call it quits. The stories about making the various albums and the problems they encountered with labels etc. was pretty entertaining Next up was Mark Ortmann, the only other original member of the group who is also the historian of the band. This was followed by the bass player and other lead guitarist. The final interview was with Brian's mentor Scott Taylor, a veteran Catholic School English teacher who exposed Brian and other young musicians around Festus to various types of music. He also has helped write about 20% of the lyrics to their songs. He reminiced about the late 80s and early 90s and talked extensively about pre-Bottle Rockets and pre-Uncle Tupelo groups.


Next up was sound check and we set up the cameras and got ready for the doors to open at 6 pm for a 7:30 show. The club itself is long and has some high balconies and one end and long bar. Also there is a second half that is simply a bar. We set up a stationary camera in the balcony to give a stage shot. Carlos was on the left with a tripod on a set of risers that are used for DJs. John was on the right on a step stool and tripod. Ths way the entire front of the stage could be covered and close-ups or partial areas of the stage could be focused on. Rosie was on the stairs at the far lert by the stage and in front of Carlos. I was to start in the balcony, start the stationary camera and take some shots from the stairs in the back and then come forward and shoot from the far right in front of John and also take some shots from a DJ booth that overlooked the stage. There was also a drummer cam on the stage set to capture Mark Ortmann. Jude is the soundman and he was set up in back with his board, hard drives and other equipment.


As the doors were going to open I went outside to check out what fans were hanging in line. Initially I talked to an older couple from Boston area (older means my age I guess...) As the Wilcowait began on the street I stuck my camera in the faces of some fans and asked for comments. I did that for about half an hour and met fans from all over the country, although mostly from the midwest. EVeryone one was very excited, even those that had never seen a BoRox show before. Hopefully a few of them will make the actual DVD; we shall see. And as Rosie commented, there were more people there with real mullets as opposed to thos with ironic mullets. The audience was older than even your average Wilco show and there was a significant lack of hipsters.


Well show opened with a roar, which continued for about two and a quarter hours; resulting in a real encore that lasted over the two hour limit that we had asked for. The three major cams were running two hour chips and so ultimately we all ended up shooting the final encore on tape. Needless to say the band put on a hell of a show, they were pumped, the audience was pumped and the band was on fire. The band ran though their greatest hits (what hits??) as well as six new songs, all of which were well received. By the way, the new album is really good, great even, if I didn't say that.


It was incredible to shoot this thing, particularly being right up by the stage. I think we got some good footage for the vid, which will be released (if all goes well) around the holidays. Hopefully there will be a video release party. The after party was fun as well, since the band hung out with whomever came by the back patio and everyone in the audience had the opportunity. We ended the night talking about movies and music with Scott, the English teacher. Scott is the kind of English teacher I wanted to be. Hopefully our paths will cross again. The band was really appreciative of the crews work.


Anyway, it was a real honor to be able to do this. I have worked fairly extensively with WhiskeyBender in the past, but this time we took it up a notch. Hopefully it will make a good movie. Considering we have perhaps six or more hours of consecutive footage and six cams worth of concert footage, I do believe it should come out okay.


Thanks for reading.....and pick up the new Bottle Rockets album when it comes out. They are back with "Roscoe" Ambel producing. You might be suprised.



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Thanks, Louie. Damn, I love Brian and the B Rox.

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This is very exciting. Can't hear to see it. Prehaps you can offer an audio version to download like the new Wilco DVD?

It is hardly up to me....I was just a crew member. I hope I made that clear, I have nothing to do with putting this thing out. Go on the Bottle Rockets' message board on their website. Apparently the band actually gets on there and talks to the fans, including giving advice on guitars and other stuff. If you ask for a download with their DVD they might comply. Or contact Bob at Undertow, he is their manager and the one who arranged to do this.



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Yeah, they talk to the boarders. Brian is a very nice guy. He also posts regularly at jf.net, as do Mark Spencer and Jon Snodgrass.

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I heard there was a woman at the show beating people up. Did you get that on film?
Hopefully this is a joke (along some Give Me Shelter lines), but if not, no we didn't even hear about it. I have heard talk about weird stuff in the audience, some of which we did experience (some drunk falling on the sound board and a guy boucing into Carlos' tripod), but other than that aside from some VERY drunk patrons that I talked to, people were pretty well behaved.


Look for a couple or three bald guys in the front row who look like refugees from the Blue Man Group.


Some young woman wrote a nice blog entry somewhere about going to Bottle Rockets shows with her father. Both Rosie and I put comments on her blog.



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I heard there was a woman at the show beating people up. Did you get that on film?


I'll reiterate: I did not hit her. I just touched her harder than I should have. :shifty


Lou, I was so excited to see you and Rosie on Saturday. I love the BRox, but I think I was just as excited to see Rosie on stage with her camera as I was to see the band.


Fantastic show, as always. I've never encountered a band that's so in tune with their fans as the Bottle Rockets. Aside from a handful of assclowns in my vicinity, BRox shows bring out some amazing fans. There's such a strong community vibe at their shows, and I can't wait to see how that plays on the DVD.

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I'll reiterate: I did not hit her. I just touched her harder than I should have. :shifty


Lou, I was so excited to see you and Rosie on Saturday. I love the BRox, but I think I was just as excited to see Rosie on stage with her camera as I was to see the band.


Fantastic show, as always. I've never encountered a band that's so in tune with their fans as the Bottle Rockets. Aside from a handful of assclowns in my vicinity, BRox shows bring out some amazing fans. There's such a strong community vibe at their shows, and I can't wait to see how that plays on the DVD.


I was looking for your blog and can't find it. Can you post the link?? There were bound to be some assclowns at this show. I found some of the folks totally enibriated, but most harmless and most fans as cool as could be. i sure hope the video can capture what we saw.

Doh! I was watching some videos on Youtube today of Brian and Jeff. That dude should write the Uncle Tupelo story.
The stuff Brian was running down to us in the interviews was some very cool insider stuff, which he only touched on. you are right, he has all the inside info and was there from day one, playing in clubs with chicken truck while Jeff was in the Primatives. He also has some fun info on the abortive Michelle Shocked tour that included the Band. I guess he got to sing with Levon Helm part of the time.


Brian just talking about music was facinating in and of itself. How he discovered different artists, particularly through his mentor Scott is all interesting; talking about Thin Lizzy and backing into liking John Prine, etc.



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Doh! I was watching some videos on Youtube today of Brian and Jeff. That dude should write the Uncle Tupelo story.

I agree! The last time I saw The Bottle Rockets, I wore a "Johnny Cash flippin' the bird/Fuck Uncle Tupelo" t shirt (For those of you that don't know, the only time that Son Volt and Wilco shared a bill was at Wavefest in Charleston - I think that's the right city - back in 1996. Some of the band members and crew wore those shirts). Keith Voegele, the bass player and Brian got a kick out of it. It prompted Brian to tell some hilarious UT anecdotes, one involving a key road difference betweeen Jeff and Jay/Mike/Brian. He is always good for some interesting and/or funny UT history at the farrar board.

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Brian's always more than willing to share his fantastic stories. I talked to him at Record Store Day last year and told him it was my daughter's first "show". She was four at the time. He launched into talking about his first shows. He's just about as congenial as they get.


He actually sang lead vocals on

. I think it's a shame that so many people think UT = Jeff and Jay, when Brian played a big part in the band, especially live. Nevermind that he was the lead guitarist on A.M. while he was recording The Brooklyn Side with the Bottle Rockets. He deserves a lot more credit than he gets.
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Brian's always more than willing to share his fantastic stories. I talked to him at Record Store Day last year and told him it was my daughter's first "show". She was four at the time. He launched into talking about his first shows. He's just about as congenial as they get.


He actually sang lead vocals on

. I think it's a shame that so many people think UT = Jeff and Jay, when Brian played a big part in the band, especially live. Nevermind that he was the lead guitarist on A.M. while he was recording The Brooklyn Side with the Bottle Rockets. He deserves a lot more credit than he gets.



if you dig Brian and UT, track down the Coffee Creek bootlegs that are out there. just plain awesome stuff.

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YES!! The Coffee Creek shows are my favorite things to listen to on road trips. I'd rather see a Coffee Creek reunion than an Uncle Tupelo one. I was actually expecting that it might happen for the Gary Scheppers benefit. I figured that it would be more likely than UT. Less drama because you are only playing covers, Brian involved trying for bygones "It's GARY!!", etc. I know that an approach was made... Ah well, "Where would we be without wishful thinking".

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YES!! The Coffee Creek shows are my favorite things to listen to on road trips. I'd rather see a Coffee Creek reunion than an Uncle Tupelo one. I was actually expecting that it might happen for the Gary Scheppers benefit. I figured that it would be more likely than UT. Less drama because you are only playing covers, Brian involved trying for bygones "It's GARY!!", etc. I know that an approach was made... Ah well, "Where would we be without wishful thinking".


Tweedy appearing with the Bottle Rockets was probably as close as we'll get to a proper Coffee Creek reuinion.

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Some of the guys from Coffee Creek (with one notable exception) and some other St. Louis musicians have an outlaw country cover act called Diesel Island. They tend to do really small shows without a lot of publicity. There's one coming up a week from Sunday. I'll be there, and with any luck I won't have to touch anyone hard. :dancing


I'm just young enough to have missed the Coffee Creek days. I started college at MU in 1991, and quickly became a UT fan since they played a lot of shows in Columbia. It's funny that nearly 20 years later, I wound up living on Main Street in Belleville. :stunned A lot of people who were a part of that music scene have kids who go to school with my daughter. I've heard some of the damnedest stories about those days at PTO meetings.

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Yeah, I'd love to come out to St. Louis and see Diesel Island.


And yeah, Tweedy and The BRox is likely it. I love those youtubes1 I still say that a CC reunion is more likely than a UT but both are remote.

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Yeah, I'd love to come out to St. Louis and see Diesel Island.


And yeah, Tweedy and The BRox is likely it. I love those youtubes1 I still say that a CC reunion is more likely than a UT but both are remote.


Forgive my ignorance, but when did Tweedy play with the BRox, and is there a recording out there?

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