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Save Paste Magazine

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IMO Paste killed itself with Lackluster writing, asinine reviews, and decreasing quality of artistic management (layout, photos, etc.). Those are the reasons I canceled my subscription to this once great mag, and why I don't want to support them now.

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IMO Paste killed itself with Lackluster writing, asinine reviews, and decreasing quality of artistic management (layout, photos, etc.). Those are the reasons I canceled my subscription to this once great mag, and why I don't want to support them now.


I totally agree. Paste has very poor writing and very poor editing. I don't think it is worth saving.

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IMO Paste killed itself with Lackluster writing, asinine reviews, and decreasing quality of artistic management (layout, photos, etc.). Those are the reasons I canceled my subscription to this once great mag, and why I don't want to support them now.



i just never liked any of the stuff they covered. it's ironic that they focused on 'signs of life' given the fact that most of the stuff they cover is totally adult alternative MOR. sorry to see them go. their office is not more than 2 miles from where i live. the problem is that there is nothing good to cover any more. not to mention the fact that any piece of news one might want about a favorite band is available instantly on the internet.

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IMO Paste killed itself with Lackluster writing, asinine reviews, and decreasing quality of artistic management (layout, photos, etc.). Those are the reasons I canceled my subscription to this once great mag, and why I don't want to support them now.

This is the truth. Every month, for awhile, they were changing the format. And that whole "we're not going to post scores for reviews anymore" wasn't a good idea. Especially when it forced you to read the piss-poor writing in the review. Most of the time, when I'd actually bother to read something, I'd end up having no idea whether or not they actually liked the record. And the art/design/layout just kept getting worse. Stuff was all over the pages, making it hard to read without getting distracted.


Also, the last issue is like half the size it used to be when I actually read it. I noticed that at the store the other day. What happened?

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Also, the last issue is like half the size it used to be when I actually read it. I noticed that at the store the other day. What happened?


Just a guess, but I'd imagine that has something to do with their aforementioned lack of funds?


I'll be sad to see it go.

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Paste magazine is a for-profit endeavor. A "campaign" by artists to "save" a magazine that operates as essentially free advertising for them seems a bit much. They even have a "Donate Now" button. Wow.


I'll donate my cash to charity and spend my money on magazines with something interesting to say.

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Just a guess, but I'd imagine that has something to do with their aforementioned lack of funds?


I'll be sad to see it go.

To be precise, lack of funds from a lack of advertisers, which is something the entire mediaverse is going through.

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So, what, they think they can hit up their subscribers indefinitely? This kind of appeal, if it works at all, tends to work only once. Perhaps they'll raise enough money to put out a few more issues, but then what? I doubt they could go back to that same well again.


Of course, they're hoping the recession ends soon and advertising dollars magically return. Good luck with that.

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I took these guys up on their "pay what you want" special offer last year (yes, I did it for free. sue me). I'll be honest, I wasnt impressed with the mag. I'd often flip through it in under 15 minutes, and just found it to be lacking in a whole lot of areas, many of which were mentioned above. I dont like seeing music mags die, but this one dosent seem particularly special, and on a more personal level, their focus (adult/commercial alternative) dosent appeal to me at all. It felt like they were trying to be all things for all people, which is usually a recipe for disaster. And yes, if nothing else their graphic design team needs to be fired.

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We subscribed to Paste since its inception and agree that the mag has fallen off in quality in the last two-three+ years.


Personally, I'm not inclined to donate $$ to save it. In fact, if I did send $$ I would almost surely jinx it as I did when sending $$ to DoubleTake mag, the Oxford American mag (I'm still incensed that Marc Smirnoff let all that $$ get stolen), Backstreets fanzine, No Depression. Can't think of another mag I've supported that's gone under but I'm sure there must be more.


Nope. It's sad to see these mags go but can't foot the bill for them any more. :ohwell

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We subscribed to Paste since its inception and agree that the mag has fallen off in quality in the last two-three+ years.


Personally, I'm not inclined to donate $$ to save it. In fact, if I did send $$ I would almost surely jinx it as I did when sending $$ to DoubleTake mag, the Oxford American mag (I'm still incensed that Marc Smirnoff let all that $$ get stolen), Backstreets fanzine, No Depression. Can't think of another mag I've supported that's gone under but I'm sure there must be more.


Nope. It's sad to see these mags go but can't foot the bill for them any more. :ohwell


It's amazing how often such a thing goes on these days.


Oxford American Staffer Arrested for Embezzling $30K

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>Tough crowd.


Tell me about it. You'd think we're talking about Spin here, the People magazine of music. Paste is not that bad of a mag. It might not be the music version of the New Yorker, but it usually has a handful of decent articles and covered up-and-coming bands. Maybe it will have better luck being online only.

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What Paste's situation proves is that content truly is king. In the newspaper industry, the phase before this phase of death we are currently in was characterized by lots of newspapers becoming parts of publicly held corporations, which cut and slashed and beat the living shit out of them to maximize profits. The papers began to suck and people started to not care. Now, in a recessionary economy, they shrivel up and croak. It's not good enough to be good - you have to be great, or die. Content is king.

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Paste magazine is a for-profit endeavor. A "campaign" by artists to "save" a magazine that operates as essentially free advertising for them seems a bit much. They even have a "Donate Now" button. Wow.


I'll donate my cash to charity and spend my money on magazines with something interesting to say.



that does seem to be the case with paste. ANYONE who puts out a cd can advertise in that mag. even some no name from the middle of georgia. i think that's why they cover so much shit. whoever sends them some cash with a promo gets talked about.

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Guest Hollinger.
So what is the best music mag to get now? MOJO? Q? Magnet? Under the Radar?



UTR is probably the only decent rag out there anymore. I miss Harp.

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I miss Creem.

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