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Uncut: Top 150 Albums of the 21st Century

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Good afternoon guys. I don't know if anyone out there reads Uncut or are interested in 'lists' but the UK magazine has recently published their top 150 albums of the 21st Century. Number one was 'The White Stripes' with 'Elephant'. They actually had about seven albums in the list! Wilco came in forth with 'Ghost is Born' whilst 'YHF' only featured at number 34 (Criminal!!). 'Sky blue Sky' also featured lower down the list. It was a mildly interesting read but one thing that is really starting to annoy me about Uncut is their totally obsession with Dylan and Young. I love both these artists and have even splashed out for Neil's DVD Archives set (A lot better than I was antipating) but Uncut seem to give them gushing praised no matter what. 'Together Through Life' featured quite high as did 'Modern Times' and 'Love And Theft' (Admittedly a great album!) was number two!. However Neils 'Chrome Dreams II', 'Prairie Wind', 'Living With War' and 'Greendale' all featured. I love Neil but none of those records should be anywhere near the top albums of the past ten years. Lists like this always cause debate but this obsession with these elder statement is beginning to grate. I believe 'Rolling Stone' is similarly biased towards these artists. I'm betting Bob's Christmas record gets 'five stars' next month. Humbug!!

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I'll be interested to see the albums that DIDN'T make the cut.

My top 10 is most-likely made up just about entirely of albums that probably didn't. Maybe Nick Cave did? If not, they are total morons. It's not like that album was any more under the radar than The Decemberists or something like that.

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Off the top of my head both 'Dig' and 'Abbatior' made the list. 'Dig Lazarus Dig' is a great record but abbatoir/Lyre could have done with a bit of quality control. As with most double albums, it would have made a great single disk. I don't think any Decemberists record made the cut although I would have had 'The Crane Wife' in there personally. 'Real gone' by Mr. Waits was on there (Albeit very low) which does restore my faith a bit. That is a serously good record and one that never seems to get much love.

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As well-documented elsewhere at this site:

Joe Pisapia - Daydreams

is my likely #1 of the decade/century/millennium.


But that is too far under the radar to make any major list, I am sure; which is a crime.

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As well-documented elsewhere at this site:

Joe Pisapia - Daydreams

is my likely #1 of the decade/century/millennium.


But that is too far under the radar to make any major list, I am sure; which is a crime.

I saw you mentioned this record on another topic I started. Is it worth searching out?

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I saw you mentioned this record on another topic I started. Is it worth searching out?


What do you think I'll say?

Here is a link to his MySpace page, complete with streaming samples:



"Dancing Partner" kills me every time.



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No disrespect to the original poster, but this seems closer to the ranking according to what I've read:


1) White Stripes, White Blood Cells

2) Bob Dylan, Love and Theft

3) Wilco, A Ghost is Born

4) Brian Wilson, Smile

5) The Strokes, This Is It

6) Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Raising Sand

7) Arcade Fire, Funeral

8) Bob Dylan, Modern Times

9) Ryan Adams, Heartbreaker

10) Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes


15) Radiohead, In Rainbows

25) Radiohead, Kid A

35) Wilco, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

38) Ryan Adams, Gold

134) Radiohead, HTTT

138) Wilco, Sky Blue Sky


Seeing AGIB tower over so many other albums and everything Radiohead has done this decade is both ludicrous and gleefully cool in a way.

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No disrespect to the original poster, but this seems closer to the ranking according to what I've read:


1) White Stripes, White Blood Cells

2) Bob Dylan, Love and Theft

3) Wilco, A Ghost is Born

4) Brian Wilson, Smile

5) The Strokes, This Is It

6) Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Raising Sand

7) Arcade Fire, Funeral

8) Bob Dylan, Modern Times

9) Ryan Adams, Heartbreaker

10) Fleet Foxes, Fleet Foxes


15) Radiohead, In Rainbows

25) Radiohead, Kid A

35) Wilco, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

38) Ryan Adams, Gold

134) Radiohead, HTTT

138) Wilco, Sky Blue Sky


Seeing AGIB tower over so many other albums and everything Radiohead has done this decade is both ludicirous and gleefully cool in a way.

That looks a bit more acurate!! My memories not what it used to be! Even I wouldn't have had AGIB that high. For what its worth, if anyones interested, I would have Lambchop's Nixon at the top of the pile. Man I love that record.

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Here's the cover:




There's a Wilco song on the bundled CD, not sure which one.

The Wilco track is 'Spiders', album version. The CD is pretty good actually. A bit of Lambchop, Bright Eyes, Hold Steady, Richmond fontaine, Ryan Adams etc...all the usual Uncut favourites.

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The Wilco track is 'Spiders', album version. The CD is pretty good actually. A bit of Lambchop, Bright Eyes, Hold Steady, Richmond fontaine, Ryan Adams etc...all the usual Uncut favourites.


Nice. Is Spiders the leadoff track?

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So Frank, have you ever checked out the Joe Pisapia stuff? What did you think?

Not yet. But I have every intention to doing so. I have picked up some good recommendations off this forum so I'll definately give it ago. Looking on Amazon.co.uk the albums not listed so I'll check out myspace first and go from there.

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The CD is pretty good actually. A bit of Lambchop, Bright Eyes, Hold Steady, Richmond fontaine, Ryan Adams etc...all the usual Uncut favourites.


Yeah, I had an Uncut subscription five yearsd ago, and those are all the same faves they had back then.

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Yes to 1, 2, and 3. Big NO to the last one. Greendale is amazing.

Greendale is certainly the best, and most consistant, of the four. But its still not that great. Not when you compare it to:


On The Beach

Time Fades Away

Ragged Glory

Sleeps With Angels

Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

Tonights The Night

After The Gold Rush.

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Although I'm super happy to see AGIB that high (sometimes I think it's better than YHF in many ways, especially lyrically) but it seems crazy that Kid A is that low. Uncut is generally one of the best music magazines out there for sure so congrats to Wilco.

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There is only one half Brit act at #6, the rest of the top ten are all Americans and Canadians. Why do the British hate their own music so much? :ohwell

We are a bit weird about our own I must admit. I would have maybe had the Gorilaz Demon Days much higher. That Beth Gibbons album was also one of the highlights of the decade for me. Nice to see it recognised. As a brit though I would admit that there is not much going on in this country music wise any more. For me the best period in recent history was the ninetie, with bands like Massive Attack, Tricky, Postishead, Goldie and Ronnie Size etc. That was the last time the UK had a genuinely exciting and inovative music scene. Its all been down hill since then....

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