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A Central Depository For VCers Music!

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There is a lot of VCers' music here:



In order to get your music on that page, join up at




It's free and the streaming player is one of the better-sounding players that I have ever heard.

Also, when all the VCers have all their music up at the same place (especially one that most places aren't blocking), it'll make it easier for us all to hear what you got.


All styles are welcome.


The free artist page allows you to upload 2 songs for streaming.

Of course, they have a pay option available, too.


Anyway, those of you who have seen my promo threads, have seen the site. But it's a cool little place with some pretty quality music and, having everyone here streaming on the same site would make it a lot easier to hear each other. Hell, I'll even create a single playlist with everybody's music on there, so it's all at ONE PAGE.


PS - I am not getting paid for this. I am just sick of not being able to access your MySpace pages or whatever, because I really want to hear everyone's music.

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An old song from one of my 90s bands. Lyrics are just me playing with words. Not much else. But if you can pull some deeper meaning from it, let me know! https://soundcloud.com/poptodd/sub-rosa-3

Nice song, I like the overall vibe of this!


Thanks for stickying this.

Now we just need some more takers... posting their IAC links!


And this is only for established VCers; no street teamers, please.


We got a few people on there -- and I'm only posting one song per band.

But, if you have more than one band (like I do), feel free to post the link to each of your bands' pages and I will get a song up from each one.


(But don't try gaming me, or I will eliminate the extraneous songs.)


Also, if there is one specific song that you want on the station to represent your music, please let me know so I can put that one on the station. Otherwise, I'll just pick the one that I like.

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i'm going to put all my stuff in this thread here:




only got me doing a cover version at the moment, but i'll add some original songs when i get the time to put some stupid videos to them. sorry about the poor sound quality, i sound much better in person! lol

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i'm going to put all my stuff in this thread here:




only got me doing a cover version at the moment, but i'll add some original songs when i get the time to put some stupid videos to them. sorry about the poor sound quality, i sound much better in person! lol


Upload them to that IAC site, and then I can put it on the same page as other VCers' stuff. And then we can all hear everybody's music in the same place.

You see the logic? It's better for everybody; more exposure and more listens for us all, when you can hear all of us in the same place.

Easier access and all that.

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oh, ok - if i have to :ohwell


it's gonna take me a while to work that all out. can you post videos? i like to give people the option of watching something good, even if the music is turgid.


I think that, if you post it at YouTube, I can put it up at the station.

And, thanks! I am looking forward to hearing your "turgid" covers. ;)

Seriously, I think it will make it easier for everyone to hear everyone else. And that's a good thing. We got some talented people here.

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i don't have any of my recordings on my computer any more (because my external crapped out... :( ) but i do have a few on myspace music...


My Tunez


I can't listen at MySpace -- a lot of us can't; we're blocked by a firewall. And, unless the songs are up at IACMusic.com I cannot add them to the station there; that's the whole point of this thread.


Can you DL them from MySpace, or rip them from a CD and then post them at the link up above?


Again, that would make it a lot easier for all of us to hear it -- all on one page.


I could post my band page links here, too... but that is not the point.

Please read the first post to see what I'm talking about.


Thanks! I really want to hear you,

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Okay, I think I set up a song on a page, see if this link is it: My link


The link works, and so does the song.

Everyone in the house is asleep now, so I couldn't really give a good listen, but I can hear enough to know that it works.


The song was added to the station here:



It's now the first one on the page.



We just need everyone else to start uploading, now.

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Todd- great idea, thanks for taking the initiative. My computer's been down but i just got it back, and will soon be uploading.


edit: this should be it




Just added "Borrowed Car".


Oh, and for the record, I am keeping it to one song per VC band.

However, if you have more than one band, feel free to make multiple pages, and I will add a song from each one.


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My band just recorded some studio demos for our upcoming E.P. sessions in January. We should have the masters of the demos by the end of the month so I'll definitely post them then. Great idea by the way.


Looking forward to it!


And, thanks. I figured that I promote my own music here enough, but there has been so much music from so many other of you folks that I have liked so much, that I thought we should make it easier to have everybody heard. You all deserve an ear.

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Great idea!!! I've posted the entire Merrick Section CD on the site.. looks like an awesome resource, can't wait to really dig deep, and hear all of you guys tunes.


Find us at:





Thanks for posting all that music, Jim. The song I picked from you was "Mandalay". Hope that's one that you like.

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Thanks for posting all that music, Jim. The song I picked from you was "Mandalay". Hope that's one that you like.


Mandalay works for me... btw, can you think of a reason why the IAC player won't work on my laptop? It's fine on my desktop, but I use the wireless alot more.

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Mandalay works for me... btw, can you think of a reason why the IAC player won't work on my laptop? It's fine on my desktop, but I use the wireless alot more.


What browser are you using? That could have something to do with it.

I'm not a tech guy at all, but I've heard that there are certain web browsers (don't remember which ones) that have issues with it.


If you want to know any fixes - if there are any - IAC has a fairly responsive support staff.

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It's a good day!! Not to bother y'all with my shamelss plugs, but I just got an e-mail that our track "Another Invitation" is being featured at nodepression.com (#1 right now, but I don't know how long they sit there). Either way, yoo-hoo!!


Merrick on No Depression


this song is pretty awesome man. the guitar sound is great, reminds me of gary louris

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