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The Rugby Thread

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You love football. You love the contact so let's watch some rugby. In this sport they're no protection.


You have see Invictus and you wanna learn some information about this sport this topic is therefor


They're many variante of rugby. The most popular is the Rugby at 15.

15 is the number of player.But they're too the 13 and the 7 the last one who's gonna be in the future Olympics Game.

The most important compettion in the 15 is the Tri nation , the Six nation and the world cup.

In the tri-nation is the land of the south hemisphere who play against each other. The tri-nation is the South-africa, the Australia and the New Zealand.

The Six Nation is like the european championship. The Nation is England , Scotland , Wales , the poor Italy who win never, the Ireland and the last and the best the france :thumbup .


More Information coming soon if you're interested. If someone will add some explication you're welcome.

Look now at the best tackles and the best moment of the last world cup.

The first image is the french star CHABAAAALLLLLLLLL


If you have some other good video then post them.

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My city has a team. I think it's just a club -- nobody's making any money, and they don't sell tickets -- but I've gone to see them play a couple times against teams from other cities in the area.

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Rugby is fun to watch. I watched a few games last summer when we were in New Zealand and Australia. I saw Australia play New Zealand, a competition where the Aussie state teams, Queensland, NSW, etc., play one another, and a couple of Aus and NZ league games. I bought an All Blacks stocking cap. In college we had a rugby club. I didn't play but my buddy did. He severly broke his leg!


France has a good team. Wait, now that I think of it, it was the All Blacks vs. France that I watched, not vs. Australia. I remember cock on the uniforms. A great match.

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  • 1 year later...

Not sure how close it is to rugby, but I have really been enjoying watching Australian Rules Football recently. It looks more like rugby than American Football, but I know that there are some (many) key differences.

I'll try to look around to find some rugby on the TV.

(But the only time I really have to watch is in bed at night -- and we don't have cable on that set. Hopefully something will pop up like the Aussie league did.)

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I do find Rugby fascinating but have no idea how it works. The dribbling of the ball seems so random. The whole scrum thing is beyond me.


Those guys are the toughest guys in sports. Saw some big tough looking bearded guy just running balls out into people, no helmet or anything, completely oblivious to injury or pain. How long is the average career in that sport?

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The All Blacks Haka is one of the great moments of drama in sport.


Even better is when they play Samoa, Fiji, or Tonga, when both sides get their war chants going - though the actual playing invincibility of the All Blacks gives their Haka more weight.


This is actually a ruby league match, but you get the idea.

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I do find Rugby fascinating but have no idea how it works. The dribbling of the ball seems so random. The whole scrum thing is beyond me.

dribbling? are you sure you're not thinking of aussie rules football? in that sport, the ball has to touch the ground at least once for every 10 (or 20 or 30?) meters run.


Regardless, both are fantastic sports. I used to play a little rugby in high school for a small club we were starting -- wish I had stuck with it.

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dribbling? are you sure you're not thinking of aussie rules football? in that sport, the ball has to touch the ground at least once for every 10 (or 20 or 30?) meters run.


You are probably right, I'm confused on the difference between the 2 as well.

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Great result for Ireland against my tournament tip Australia (well not counting the obvious favourites). They finally turned the switch to 'on' after trudging with form the last year.

If we can get out of the group that sets up a nice Ireland Wales quarter final - which means at least 1 northern hemisphere team in the semis. 4:30 am start tomorrow for Wales Samoa. It's going to be intense!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup, very excited the way the young guns are coming through. Llanelli's academy really producing the goods - great given that they were cash strapped and had no other option. Cardiff should have done the same and developed local talent.

In a couple of years this could be a great team - aan anything that happens now will be excellent experience to put in the bank for those times. Not too worried about Shane - Halfpenny has been in good form. Would even play him full back. Hook would be a nice option and I hope he recovers for the quarters but Priestland is doing a marvellous job.

Two great weekends of rugby coming up!

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Right then - big games this weekend. I'm REALLY hoping Wales can beat Ireland and, well, kinda hoping the French turn up and scare, possibly beat, England.


NZ should beat an under-strength Argentina side whilst the SA v Aus game is going to be too tight to call...

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Wow. Well. What a weekend!


Indeed it was. There have been some cracking games this tournament - and last weekend was no exception. The only result I didn't pick was the SA v Australia game, although I have no idea how the Bokke managed to lose that match (the way it was refereed certainly didn't help the team doing all the attacking)


Would love to see the Welsh boys make it through to the final - they have impressed plenty of us down in this part of the world with the way they have played and deserve to go further. An NZ v Wales final would be perfect.


A nervous watch coming up for NZ fans on Sunday - given that we don't exactly have a glorious record against Australia in RWC semi-finals and have a rookie flyhalf playing. Mind you, they don't have a happy record at Eden park either (26 years since they've beaten NZ there).

Who knows? The whole tournament has been wonderfully unpredictable; so we might win by plenty, or lose in an arm-wrestle.


Finally, a word on France.


I have what I've decided is a completely irrational fondness for the French rugby team. This is despite the grief they've caused us by making a habit of beating us in previous RWC tournaments, the trauma they have caused over the years to the sensitive body parts of players from various other international teams though nefarious acts committed at the bottom of rucks and mauls, the Sth Pacific nuke testing, the Rainbow Warrior bombing etc.


I think it's the fact that when the mood takes them they are capable of playing fantastic Rugby and beating anybody, but never appear to be taking things too seriously.


Last weekend was a case in point - played like an absolute rabble all tournament, the team have basically mutineed and overthrown the coach, reports of them being out on the town til 1am on the morning of their 1/4 final, yet they still go out and stuff England. Hilarious! (unless you're English of course)


Off to both semi-final games this weekend - can't wait!

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Agree about the French - Bobby Windsor played them 5 times and got his nose broken each time, but on their day - sublime. Several years ago Racing Club of Paris played in the French Cup Final all wearing pink bow ties and swilled a refreshing glass of champagne in the middle of he pitch at half time. And match days in the towns of south-west of France are great.


Definitely with you on the Wales - AB final. Enjoy the games. My Welsh female boss has been out there for 2 months. Shame Carter can't enjoy what should have been his moment. McCaw looking crocked too? Huge respect for that pair and the way they conduct themselves. Weepu may be the unexpected hero - enjoyed the way he stood up last weekend. We can Just enjoy being there and you can get the title that you have deserved for the last how many years - or maybe not ... :-)

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So sad for the Welsh, unlucky to get a red card, rather than yellow. Perhaps a repeat of the final last time it was in NZ.


Either way, history will be made tomorrow (NZ has never beaten Australia at the World Cup, and a team has never won the World Cup having lost a game). Going to be huge!

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Boy that result is so hard to take. By the letter of the law the decision is technically correct, but there have been several equivalent tackles in this tournament that have been yellow cards at worst and often just penalties. Such an immense effort by the 14, but unfortunately we made about as many little mistakes in that game as all the others put together, and Hooky had a poor game. The French captain was visibly embarrassed in his post match interview.

Part of me wants Australia to win now since they come to play in Wales in a few weeks and we'll get a crack at them, but NZ deserve it for their consistent superiority over the years, and only the Welsh can appreciate what it means to them given the similar religious status of the game in both countries. Then again, the French being the French, they might do their usual trick of pulling one fantastic performance out of nowhere.


P.S. More people watched the game in Cardiff on giant screens at the Millenium Stadium than were in the ground at Eden Park






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Boy that result is so hard to take.


It sure was. I found it hard to stomach and I'm not even Welsh. Great effort playing a man short for 3/4 of the game - despite that they had the best of the play and should really have still won. 11 points went begging from kickable penalties and the conversion that was missed - and they only needed 2 of them. That's probably not making you feel any better I guess?


France were complete and utter merde (and that might be overrating them slightly) so Dusautoir had every right to look a bit sheepish in the after match interview.


I just hope you're wrong about them always having one fantastic performance in them per tournament - if so I hope the England game was it (though that would be more accurately described as a "less crap", rather than "fantastic", performance).


If the ABs front again like they did yesterday against Australia I can't see France winning - but we've been the overwheling favorites before against them in RWC and received a spanking. Either way, I just hope it's a good, close game with some exciting rugby being played and with the most deserving team on the day as the winner.


Joubert has got the refereeing gig for the final, so i hope he continues reffing in the same unobtrusive way and no-one is talking about him next Monday morning (other than to commend him on doing a good job)

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