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Listening to Nova Mob's The Last Days of Pompeii for the first time right now. Loving it.

I always considered myself to be a bit more of a Bob person, when it came down to the Hüsker arguement. But then, the more that I listen to Grant's post-band work, the more and more I become a big, big fan of his.


I used to consider myself a solid John person, but it's pretty hard to say that now. When it comes down to it, I think that I really love George's stuff just as much as any of the John or Paul's?


UT: Again, I was a firm Jay guy. And the first Son Volt and first Wilco records only made me more sure of my stances. Then, Jeff began to really grow and blossom around Being There.


Do you get caught up in these arguments? Are they important in music discussions? Are they even relevant?

Do you ever find yourself changing your mind about which side you fall on?

And, do you really DISlike either?


How do you make those decisions?

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I used to be very staunchly in John's corner. I still consider Paul a weaker songwriter, but I have more respect for him now than I used to. Paul has never written anything that does for me what numerous John songs do.

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I don't know dude...I just dig the music.

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i used to get caught up in these arguments all the time. i then realized that usually both parties give us a lot of great music. who are we to judge who is better? i find music more enjoyable when i care less about context.

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I can't stand Jay Farrar's "God-given voice"

So you believe in a fallible God?

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I think that a lot of you are missing the point of the thread.

This is not JUST about Beatle v. Beatle, but the whole A v. B debate within bands, in general.

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I think that a lot of you are missing the point of the thread.



Don't you pay attention to what goes on around here? :monkey

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The absence of Jay Bennett from Wilco still sticks in my craw.....





He's absent from more than Wilco.

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The absence of Jay Bennett from Wilco still sticks in my craw.....





Jay was not John to Jeff's Paul.


He was more like Van Dyke Parks to Brian Wilson.

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